iPhone 14: Wow, a design damn close to Apple s reality

iPhone 14: Wow, a design damn close to Apple s reality

Step by step, insiders and experts are working on the image of the iPhone 14. With each rumor, this portrait of Apple's new phone becomes clearer. You can imagine the Pro version of the new smartphone even better with the following draft - damn close to reality, if you ask us.

It is a well-known fact that Apple only dares to make small changes, while major modifications are extremely rare on the iPhone. With the iPhone 14 Pro, according to the experts, it should be that time again. The notch (upper notch in the display) says goodbye , instead Apple would like to integrate two small camera or sensor openings into the display. We now see these and other features in a fairly realistic concept (Source: the Hacker 34).

The concept of the iPhone 14 Pro in image and sound:

iPhone 14 Pro: pill and hole instead of notch

The front of the iPhone 14 Pro will therefore change more when the notch disappears and more screen space is available. The pill-shaped opening houses the infrared camera, the ambient light sensor, the proximity sensor and the dot projector for Face ID (Apple's facial recognition). Apple would therefore put the actual front camera in a single "punch hole".

Consequently, the new design also enables a new menu bar , in which more space is now available. For example, Apple could show the date in addition to the time and the battery indicator could finally include the percentage as was customary in the past.

However, the back of the concept is more speculative, because it shows a flawless surface, so the camera hump would have disappeared . On the one hand, a wish often expressed by our readers, on the other hand, the hump is now part of the design language. Apple had actually increased this in the past, so removing it would be uncharacteristic from this perspective. It remains to be seen how realistic the concept is at this point.

Predicting an Apple A16 chip is much more reliable, but to be honest, you just have to be able to count correctly for these "fortune-telling abilities". As a reminder: the iPhone 13 already has the A15.

"Reverse wireless charging" was also repeatedly suspected. The iPhone could therefore supply other iPhones or the AirPods with power. If this concept works, the feature would be ready for the market with the iPhone 14 Pro. The thought-up name for it already pleases: "PowerDrop".

Will Apple fulfill our dream?

In summary: The concept shown here is probably closer to the truth than some imaginative studies of the past. In the end, the flat back alone probably corresponds more to the designer's wishful thinking. But dreams should be allowed and sometimes Apple surprises us and even fulfills our wishes in the end. The solution will be available again in autumn.


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