Xiaomi 12: Top smartphone with brand new high-end processor announced

Xiaomi 12: Top smartphone with brand new high-end processor announced

Now it's out. Xiaomi has officially announced its next high-end smartphone, confirming that not only is a new top processor used in the Xiaomi 12 models, but also that we don't have to wait too long.

Xiaomi 12 comes with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1

Qualcomm today presented its new high-end processor, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. The ARMv9 is the successor to the Snapdragon 888 and 888+ and is first installed in the Xiaomi 12 smartphones. The Chinese company is hoping for more performance in many areas . Qualcomm says, as with any new generation, that performance goes up and efficiency gets better. A special focus is placed on the computing power for photo and video features as well as AI and significantly more graphics power. Xiaomi already shows the processor:

The performance of the Xiaomi 12, 12 Pro and 12 Ultra should therefore increase noticeably compared to the previous models and many new software features should be feasible at the same time. In addition, the image processing should work faster . Of course, Xiaomi is not too specific in the announcement. After all, you don't want to anticipate the final performance.

What the Xiaomi 12 smartphones look like and what other properties they have is not known. Xiaomi has not yet announced a specific date for the presentation. So far, only the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 has been confirmed, which is installed at least in the high-end models. The Xiaomi 12 Lite and the ominous Xiaomi 12X will most likely use mid-range processors from Qualcomm.

Xiaomi 12: Presentation expected at the end of December

Xiaomi has not given a specific date for the presentation of the new high-end smartphones, but December 28, 2021 is very popular . This would mean that the Chinese company would unveil the successor to the Xiaomi Mi 11 exactly one year later in China. The presentation for Europe, however, could take place later. In any case, there are still many unanswered questions .


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