Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: Smartwatch is still missing functions after months

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: Smartwatch is still missing functions after months

With the Galaxy Watch 4, Samsung switched from the Tizen operating system to Google's Wear OS. But even after months on the market, the smartwatch lacks a crucial function that would make the watch so much better.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 still without the Google Assistant

It's hard to believe, but even after months on the market, the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch 4 Classic still lack an essential function that actually defines Wear OS. Even in the test, we wondered how it can be that the Google Assistant is missing in the brand new "Wear OS 3" operating system. After all, almost the entire operating system is based on it. According to the information at the time, Google couldn't keep up , so Bixby had to be used . Most people don't know what to do with that.

Three months later still nothing has happened. If you own a Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 or Watch 4 Classic, you still don't have a Google Assistant to use voice control for connected devices or to call up information. And that's really a big disadvantage, because it is a "Wear OS 3" smartwatch, mind you. Such an essential function simply cannot be missing.

I now notice every day how big the difference is. I am currently using the Ticwatch Pro 3 Ultra. This still runs with the older Wear OS version, but I can do everything with it . And since I've been using a lot of Google products recently, it's much easier to control them via the smartwatch instead of always having to pull out the smartphone. So Google and Samsung should step on the gas with the Galaxy Watch 4.

We'll tell you where the differences between the two Samsung watches are in the video:

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 appeared

Hopefully Samsung and Google won't wait until the launch of the Galaxy Watch 5, which recently appeared for the first time. Other manufacturers will not get the "Wear OS 3" update until mid-2022. In the worst case, it will take some time before the new Wear OS operating system is really complete.


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