{Disarmed} Mi Pay is now Xiaomi Pay and will soon be integrated to MIUI 12.5

'Mi Pay' is now Xiaomi Pay and will soon be integrated to MIUI 12.5

We have already talked on occasion about Mi Pay , the mobile payment service that has millions of users in China.

And although it is obviously a more regional service than Apple Pay or Google Pay , if you are used to using it, you should already think of it as "Xiaomi Pay". The registration change has been announced today and its new logo is expected to be unveiled very soon.

My Pay is now Xiaomi Pay


Apparently Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd has requested this registration change just a few hours ago, contradicting the Mi Pay trademark registered in April 2021.

A change that is in line with the same seen on mobiles, the Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet and the latest TVs of the company. The idea, in fact, is to gradually remove the surname "Mi" from the company's premium products and services.

My Pay 01

This change would be applied within the application itself and in the systems integrated to MIUI 12.5 , but it will still take a few weeks, in the absence of receiving the final ok on the new brand. Let's not forget that in order to use Mi Pay it is necessary for the terminal to be compatible with NFC technology. Purchases are usually made by reading QR codes , without intermediate payment gateways.

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In xiaomist
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The news 'Mi Pay' is now Xiaomi Pay and will soon be integrated to MIUI 12.5 was originally published on xiaomist by Isra Fdez .


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