Monthly terminable mobile phone contracts in comparison: The cheapest tariffs on Black Friday 2021

Monthly terminable mobile phone contracts in comparison: The cheapest tariffs on Black Friday 2021

If you are looking for a cheap, monthly cancellable mobile phone tariff, you should read on now. We have compared the best SIM-only tariffs with each other and reveal who offers the best value for money on Black Friday.

Update on November 26th, 2021:
On Black Friday there are of course tons of offers on monthly mobile phone contracts , these are the absolute top deals in the networks of Telekom, Vodafone and o2 : Unlimited LTE data volume ( 10 Mbit / s ), Allnet / SMS flat rate in the O2 network for 14.99 euros at Mobilcom-Debitel Unlimited LTE data volume ( 300 MBit / s ), Allnet / SMS-Flat in the o2 network for 29.99 euros at Mobilcom-Debitel Black Friday at : Allnet / SMS-Flat and 5 GB for 4.99 euros or 10 GB for 7.99 euros per month and other deals ( o2 network) Black Friday at SIMon : 10 GB LTE data volume (max. 50 Mbit / s) and Allnet / SMS flat rate in Vodafone network for 8.99 euros Black Friday at Congstar : 25 GB LTE data volume (max. 50 Mbit / s) and Allnet / SMS flat rate in the Telekom network for 20 euros

Committing to a cell phone provider for two years or more is not for everyone - especially because the prices for cell phone tariffs now change almost every week. For those of you who want to remain flexible and are therefore looking for a mobile phone tariff that can be canceled on a monthly basis , the SIM-only tariffs that are broadcast on the Telefónica network are an inexpensive alternative to long-term contracts.

Monthly cancellable mobile phone tariffs in comparison: cheap calls & surfing

We took a closer look at the flexible Drillisch tariffs from simplytel, winSIM, smartmobil, PremiumSIM and and compared them with each other. Depending on how much data volume you need, one or the other offer is more attractive in terms of price. The scope of services is otherwise similar: All mobile phone tariffs listed in the table below include LTE data volumes of up to 50 Mbit / s, an all-network and SMS flat rate, and EU roaming . There are also the following advantages:

With every provider there is a change bonus for number portability of 6.82 euros. The deployment price is 19.99 euros. If the option "without contract term" is selected, the provision price does not apply.

Caution! The following offers are only valid for a short time:

Cheap mobile phone tariff offers in comparison: These options are available

With the Drillisch brands you basically have two options to choose from for all tariffs:

24 month term : You are bound to the tariff for at least 24 months. The notice period is 3 months. If you do not cancel, the contract is automatically extended for a further 12 months. Without a contract term : You can terminate the contract at any time, but you also have a notice period of 3 months. The minimum term is de facto 3 months.

Switch to a cheap mobile phone offer and take your phone number with you: Here's how

If you change provider, you will receive a credit of 6.82 euros if you take your number with you. How you can easily port your number, you can see in this video.

Also interesting:

A comparison of prepaid annual packages: Aldi Talk, Tchibo, Telekom and Co. - which tariff is the cheapest? Aldi Talk, Lidl Connect, Tchibo Mobil and Co .: Comparison of the prepaid discounter mobile phone tariffs "Young people" tariffs at Telekom, Vodafone & o2 in comparison: You have these advantages


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