{Disarmed} Pixel 6 and 6 Pro teardowns show: the repair should be difficult [Videos]

Google Pixel 6 Pro Silver

The Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro have now been dismantled to the last bits in two teardown videos to reveal their inner workings and demonstrate their reparability. The teardowns show that the repair of the devices will probably not be easy and accordingly expensive.

The inner workings of the Pixel 6 Pro and Pixel 6 are very similar, with only one big difference - the Pro's haptic motor is positioned on the bottom of the phone, while the Pixel 6 is on the top.

In terms of repairability, the USB Type-C port is perhaps the biggest hurdle. It's soldered to the motherboard, which makes repairs quite difficult. Other components also don't look as good due to the overuse of glue. So there is a risk that the water resistance will be compromised if the components are taken apart for repair.

Replacing the battery turns out to be difficult, 7 or 9 screws have to be loosened and then the pull tab also twists and does not really work satisfactorily. That could be because Google didn't skimp on glue here. All in all, the teardowns show poor repairability of the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro.

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The post Pixel 6 and 6 Pro Teardowns show: The repair will be difficult [Videos] first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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