New Amazfit PowerBuds Pro, headphones capable of correcting your posture

Huami, Xiaomi's partner, has launched its new Amazfit PoweBuds Pro , wireless headphones with active noise cancellation, which are also surprising for having a system that helps us correct posture .

In detail, we are faced with in -ear format headphones with interchangeable pads , which, beyond offering great sound quality, have a heart rate sensor in order to use them while we exercise.

And there is not everything, in addition to recording our activity and monitoring the heartbeat of our heart, the new Amazfit PowerBuds Pro headphones add postural control , capable of alerting us every time we stop lifting our necks. This is also able to warn us when we have been in the same position for a long time so that we relax the muscles.

Up to 19 hours of autonomy, Google Fast Pair and much more

Nuevos Amazfit PowerBuds Pro, unos auricualres capaces de corregir tu postura. Noticias Xiaomi A

Beyond this, the Amazfit PowerBuds Pro have an autonomy of up to 5 hours and 45 minutes making use of a noise cancellation system that, by the way, is capable of reducing ambient noise by up to 40dB . In addition, thanks to its case, its autonomy amounts up to 19 hours or 30 hours without making use of active noise cancellation.

New Amazfit PowerBuds Pro, headphones capable of correcting your posture. News Xiaomi

Likewise, these new headphones have Bluetooth 5.0 , touch control, automatic race recognition, Google Fast Pair for automatic pairing with our smartphone and water resistance thanks to its IP55 certification .

The price of these new headphones is 129.90 euros , a very attractive price if we take into account all its characteristics and in general, the large number of new features that it integrates.

More information at :

The entry New Amazfit PowerBuds Pro, headphones capable of correcting your posture was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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