The list of Xiaomi devices compatible with Alexa becomes more extensive

Although Xiaomi has gradually introduced smart devices for our home compatible with Alexa , some of the older gadgets have become fully compatible with this Amazon assistant .

Among these we find all the sensors that make up the Xiaomi Mi Smart Sensor Set , that is, the window and door sensors, as well as the motion sensors . Through the Xiaomi skill for Alexa, we can now link them with the Amazon assistant in a very simple way.

In detail, the Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Sensor and Xiaomi Mi Motion Sensor become fully compatible with Alexa. Although a few months ago they began to link unexpectedly, now we can make use of these from the Amazon assistant in full.

La lista de dispositivos Xiaomi compatibles con Alexa se vuelve más amplia. Noticias Xiaomi A

Xiaomi's motion, door and sales sensors are already compatible with Alexa.

Thanks to the Alexa Routines, we can automate the operation of these sensors with the rest of the smart devices that we have linked, even if they are not from Xiaomi . With this, the possibilities are expanded beyond having to use only Xiaomi Home.

The latest cameras released by Xiaomi are also joined

The list of Xiaomi devices compatible with Alexa becomes more extensive. News Xiaomi

In addition, the Xiaomi Smart Camera Standard Edition outdoor camera also becomes compatible with Alexa. This, although it allows practically almost no automation, can be viewed from the Amazon Echo Show.

In addition, the Xiaomi Mi Smart Camera 2K becomes compatible with Alexa, as well as Google Assistant. She is also joined by the Xiaomi Mi Smart Camera 2K Pro . In this way, the list of devices compatible with Alexa becomes:

  • lamps:
    • Xiaomi Mi LED Desk Lamp 1S
    • Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Desk Lamp Pro
  • Light bulbs:
    • Xiaomi Mi LED Smart Bulb
    • Xiaomi Mi LED Smart Bulb Essential
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb (Warm White)
  • Plugs:
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug (WiFi)
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug (Zigbee)
  • Air purifiers:
    • Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3H
    • Xiaomi Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier Pro
    • Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2S
    • Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2H
  • Cameras:
    • Xiaomi MI Home Security Camera 360
    • Xiaomi Smart Camera Standard Edition
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Camera 2K
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Camera 2K Pro
  • Motion sensors, doors and windows
    • Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Sensor
    • Xiaomi Mi Motion Sensor
  • Humidifiers, heaters, heaters, robot vacuum cleaners and more:
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C
    • Xiaomi Mi Smart Space Heater S
    • Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1
    • Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1S
    • Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1C
    • Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

The entry The list of Xiaomi devices compatible with Alexa becomes more extensive was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


  1. Maybe the Cameras are compatible with Alexa, but Live Video is not supported in the Alexa App and also not available on the Echo Show...

  2. Is it possible to set a routine with Alexa if a gateway is used with the tempreture and humidity sensor eg if tempreture goes below 18c trigger a routine to boost heating.
    From reading this they are fully supported but has anyone actually tried this

    1. Can see the temperature but am unable to trigger routines with the xiaomi temperature and humidity sensor :-(

  3. I am having problem with xiaomi body Kai door sensors! Alexa used to see them but now it does not!


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