The design of the Xiaomi Mi 11 cameras has made these cases take China by storm

Beyond its update at the hardware level, the Xiaomi Mi 11 brought with it an important renovation at the design level. Especially, its set of cameras takes totally new lines that in China they have taken advantage of to create all kinds of most curious cases.

The two large sensors of the Xiaomi Mi 11 , have exalted the imagination in China. And, if there are some cases that are sweeping the Asian country, they are those that combine their design with that of the set of cameras of the latest Xiaomi flagship.

As we can see below, the Xiaomi Mi 11 has not gotten rid of the fact that in China there are already numerous cases that, using the design of their cameras, adapt to graphics based on Counter Strike , Pokémon and other animals of the most varied.

El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A

What's more, if we take a walk through Weibo we can see how these covers are sold in large quantities . Its success in China is being the same as that of Xiaomi Mi 11 itself, which if we remember in just a few days it exceeded half a million units sold .

El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A El diseño de las cámaras del Xiaomi Mi 11 ha hecho que estas fundas arrasen en China. Noticias Xiaomi A

In short, first and foremost curious news, which lets us see the great creativity they have in China and which will probably reach our countries through AliExpress where it would not be surprising if we would see them for sale shortly.

The entry The design of the Xiaomi Mi 11 cameras has made these cases sweep in China was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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