Xiaomi prepares a new improved version of its neck headphones

Following the launch of the Redmi SonicBass Wireless Earphones , Xiaomi seems to be preparing some new neck headphones. We are talking about the Xiaomi Mi Neckband Bluetooth Earphones Pro , an improved version that has already been seen in the Bluetooth SIG unit.

Under the model number Mi Neckband Pro , these new neckband headphones that we could see debut shortly have been certified in the Bluetooth SIG unit, revealing not only their existence and commercial name, but also some of their characteristics.

As we can see below, these new Xiaomi Mi Neckband Bluetooth Earphones Pro neck headphones will arrive on the market shortly along with a Bluetooth 5.0 connection, SBC , AAC support and IPX4 certification.

Xiaomi prepara una nueva versión mejorada de sus auriculares de cuello. Noticias Xiaomi A

Bluetooth certification of Xiaomi Mi Neckband Bluetooth Earphones Pro.

Beyond that, this type of certification does not usually present us with more details about it. Even so, taking into account the nature of the certifying unit, we could say that the launch of the Xiaomi Mi Neckband Bluetooth Earphones Pro could be shortly and also internationally .

For our part we will keep you updated, in the event of any news in this regard. We will update any new details about these Xiaomi headphones in this article.

The entry Xiaomi prepares a new improved version of its neck headphones was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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