Xiaomi launches 2 Mi motion sensor

Following the launch of new products in its domestic market, Xiaomi has recently launched a new Mi Human 2 sensor device. While priced at 59 yuan ($ 9), it has been offered for 49 yuan ($ 7) through a financing campaign.

The new Mi Human 2 sensor can be placed in the room, hallway and anywhere. This device can be connected to other smart home devices and its function can be adjusted through Mejia application.

Xiaomi claims that it can intelligently track movements regardless of the situation, whether it is exposed to sunlight or in the dark, and has a much wider range of uses because it can be connected to other smart home appliances. For example, the user can set it to turn on the light at night when it senses movement. It can also be set to record a movie via a smart camera and send it to the Mejia app in case of theft.

The Mi Human 2 sensor uses low-power technology and comes with a standard CR2450 battery that the company claims can last about a year. Reminds users when the battery capacity is low. When connected to the Mejia app, the user can check the battery status, Bluetooth signal strength, product reports and more.

Xiaomi launches 2 Mi motion sensor for the first time at Xiaomist.Com . appeared.


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