This gadget that Xiaomi sells eliminates bad odors from the cat s bin or litter box

Beyond its own products, Xiaomi sells endless gadgets of the most interesting on Youpin . An example of this is this sterilizer and odor remover for litter bins or cat litter boxes that we want to talk about today and which is also compatible with Mi Home or Xiaomi Home .

In detail, it is a small gadget that we can already buy in AliExpress capable of not only eliminating bad odors generated by our cat's excrement and urine, but also eliminating bacteria and germs that may have been produced.

For this, this sterilizer has a negative ion purification system, capable of eradicating any type of bacteria or germ. In addition, this is combined with an ozone generator system , guaranteeing a more complete sterilization also of bins and other garbage containers.

Eliminador de olores de Xiaomi para areneros de gato, papeleras, zapateros. Eliminar bacterias. Xiaomi Noticias

For its operation, this interesting gadget uses a 2,600mAh battery capable of providing a range of up to 7 days . For charging, it has a USB Type C port.

Eliminate bad odors from shoe cabinets, bins, sandboxes and more

Xiaomi odor remover for cat litter boxes, litter bins, shoe racks. Eliminate bacteria. Xiaomi News Xiaomi odor remover for cat litter boxes, litter bins, shoe racks. Eliminate bacteria. Xiaomi News Xiaomi odor remover for cat litter boxes, litter bins, shoe racks. Eliminate bacteria. Xiaomi News

The most interesting thing is that we can not only use it in the cat's litter box or trash can, but also in all kinds of compartments such as a shoe rack in order to eliminate bacteria generated by moisture or bad odors from shoes.

To all this is added its support with Xiaomi Home , Xiaomi's home automation platform, allowing us to manage and control it remotely or in combination with other gadgets of the firm.

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In addition, this sterilizer, disinfectant with odor eliminator adds a base to hang on the wall and a sticker to fix it on any surface. In addition, it adds a user manual and a USB Type C charging cable.

Where to buy this odor eliminator that Xiaomi sells

If we want to get hold of this sterilizer and odor eliminator that Xiaomi sells we can do it through AliExpress for about 27 euros . A really interesting and recommended product, if you are worried about bad smells at home.

More information at : Xiaomi Youpin

The entry This gadget sold by Xiaomi eliminates bad odors from the cat's bin or litter box was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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