These are all Xiaomi that have a dedicated macro camera

In recent years Xiaomi has taken a great leap in terms of photographic quality. Far from its beginnings, it is now positioned among the best manufacturers on the market, incorporating the latest photographic advances in practically all its new smartphones.

And we are not just talking about conventional photography, now many of their smartphones incorporate a macro-type camera allowing us to photograph objects at close range, obtaining a precise focus and some of the most original shots.

By having a macro-type lens, the range of possibilities for photography lovers multiplies, getting shots as spectacular as the one that we can see below that has been obtained through the macro sensor of the Redmi Note 8 .

These are all Xiaomi that have a dedicated macro camera. XIaomi  News

Photograph taken from a Redmi Note 8 in macro mode.

As we can see, the result is the most striking, since unlike the zoom that we can obtain with a telephoto lens, a good macro camera allows us to focus on multiple points of an object that is just a few centimeters away.

Xiaomi smartphones with macro camera

For about a little over a year, Xiaomi has been integrating a macro lens in most of its smartphones. To date, these are:

  • Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro
  • Xiaomi Mi 10T
  • Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite
  • POCO M2 Pro
  • Redmi K30 Ultra
  • Redmi 9C
  • Redmi 9
  • Redmi 10X Pro
  • Redmi 10X
  • Redmi K30i
  • POCO F2 Pro
  • Redmi Note 9
  • Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite
  • Xiaomi Mi Note 10
  • Xiaomi Mi 10 Youth Edition
  • Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite
  • Redmi K30 Pro
  • Redmi Note 9S
  • Redmi Note 9 Pro
  • Redmi Note 9 Pro Max
  • Xiaomi Mi 10
  • Redmi K30 5G
  • Redmi Note 8T
  • Redmi Note 8
  • Redmi Note 8 Pro

As we can see, the list is quite extensive, including devices that have been launched about a year and a half ago. In addition, although other terminals such as the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro do not appear in this list, they manage to emulate a macro effect through the telephoto camera.

The entry These are all Xiaomi that have a dedicated macro camera was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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