The new "semi-desktop" mode of MIUI 12 is capable of all this

A few months ago we knew about the new " Screen Combo " mode that Xiaomi had developed for MIUI. By way of multi-screen collaboration, this mode extends the screen of our smartphone to that of a computer , allowing us to perform all kinds of tasks.

Finally, this new MIUI 12 functionality has been launched in China, thus revealing all the possibilities that it will allow us, bringing us closer to the long-awaited desktop mode that many Xiaomi fans have been asking for for some time.

As we can see below, Screen Combo or Collaboration between screens allows us to view the applications that we have installed on our computer screen. In addition, this mode allows us to simultaneously view several various applications, achieving real multitasking.

The new "semi-desktop" mode of MIUI 12 is capable of all this

Likewise, this new mode developed by Xiaomi for MIUI 12 allows us to quickly and easily transfer any file we want between our computer and the smartphone or vice versa. To do this we will only have to drag it from one window to another.

The new "semi-desktop" mode of MIUI 12 is capable of all this

Beyond this, this new functionality allows us a complete collaboration between screens , making it easier for us to open certain files that we have on our smartphone with the applications that we have installed on the computer.

As can be seen in the following animation, Screen Combo allows us to open spreadsheets that we have in our Xiaomi through the Excel application of the Microwdoft office suite that we have installed on the computer.

The new "semi-desktop" mode of MIUI 12 is capable of all this

In short, a very interesting feature that brings the expected desktop mode that so many Xiaomi fans have been asking for. At the moment this functionality is only available in China for the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra although it is already being tested on the Xiaomi Mi 9 , Mi 9 Pro and Redmi K20 Pro (Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro).

The entry The new MIUI 12 "semi-desktop" mode is capable of all this, it was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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