Xiaomi announces the new Redmi TV A televisions: quality / price within everyone s reach

After introducing the Redmi TV X line of televisions with premium features and a reasonable price, Xiaomi today announced the arrival of a new line of televisions that will offer a great quality / price ratio .

Specifically, it is the new Redmi TV A, a set of 5 new televisions that will cover various sizes from 32 inches to 65 inches, including 43, 50 and 55-inch models.

According to the first data, this new series of televisions will make up the Redmi entry range , thus placing the cheapest televisions not only from this, but from the wide range of possibilities that Xiaomi offers us.

Xiaomi announces the new Redmi TV A televisions: quality / price within everyone's reach. News Xiaomi

Advertising poster for the Redmi TV A.

Of course, at the moment it is unknown what their technical characteristics will be, although everything indicates that they will maintain similar specifications to the Xiaomi Mi TV 4S series, a series to which the models that we can currently buy in Spain and practically all of Europe belong.

We will keep you up to date with any news regarding the launch, price and characteristics of these new Redmi televisions, whose quality / price ratio aims to be their sign of identity .

The entry Xiaomi announces the new televisions Redmi TV A: quality / price within everyone's reach was published first on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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