ZTE Axon 20 will be the first smartphone with a camera under the screen. This makes us even more bored

ZTE Axon 20 will be the first smartphone to be marketed with a camera placed under the screen. After years of work on this technology, the new one is finally coming.

ZTE announced the upcoming conference scheduled for September 1st. This is when the premiere of the company's new smartphone, the Axon 20 5G, will take place. According to the assurances of ZTE, it will be the world's first smartphone with Under-Display Camera technology, i.e. with a selfie camera hidden under a semi-transparent screen.

There were many designs and prototypes . In September we will see the market launch of the new technology.

ZTE Axon 20 5G to be launched on Sep.1 2020

We have been hearing about the cameras hidden under the screen for over a year. Giants are working on them, including Samsung and Xiaomi, but also many smaller Chinese companies. Prototypes appeared at fairs and closed shows, but so far no smartphone with such technology has been released for sale.

ZTE will actually be the first device of this type available on the market.

What exactly does the camera hidden under the screen do?

The new technology will allow the screen to fill even more of the front of the device. Actually, the entire front of the smartphone can be a display. The invisible webcam will eliminate the need to use a notch, island and retractable mechanisms covering the camera module.

The assumptions are quite simple, but it took a long time to implement them. The idea is based on the creation of a translucent OLED panel, the fragment of which placed above the lens can become transparent when we want to use the webcam. Translucent OLED screens are within the technical reach of manufacturers and in fact are no longer anything groundbreaking.

The problem, however, is the degree of transparency. Previous prototypes blocked quite a lot of light on the screen, so the camera matrix received less information. As a result, selfie photos and video calls were of much worse quality than in a standard smartphone. The image was darker or more noisy, and sometimes it lost focus.

ZTE will start a new trend in the development of smartphones.

ZTE will be the first, but I have no doubt that the entire market will follow in his footsteps. It's really hard to come up with something new in the appearance of smartphones, and getting rid of the webcam is actually the last step to the final design .

Today, most smartphones look almost identical, and in a year or two, recognizing the model at the front can be very difficult. And this is a bit of a sad news, because while the new technologies are impressive in terms of complexity, they will bring even less variety and even more boredom to smartphones.

ZTE Axon 20 will be the first smartphone with a camera under the screen. This makes us even more bored


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