Xiaomi reveals new details of the features of the Redmi K30 Ultra

Although after its certification in TENAA we have already discovered many parts of its characteristics, Xiaomi today has revealed new details of its new Redmi K30 Ultra , a high-end terminal that will debut tomorrow with the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra.

Bluntly, Lei Jun, current CEO of Xiaomi has confirmed that the Redmi K30 Ultra will be based on the Redmi K30 Pro itself . With this, adding a screen without any type of notch would confirm the incorporation of a retractable camera in this mobile device.

In short, everything indicates that the Redmi K30 Ultra will be an economic version of the Redmi K30 Pro or POCO F2 Pro, adding the MediaTek Dimensity 1,000+ . This would give it great potential, reducing manufacturing costs without sacrificing the 5G connection .

Xiaomi reveals new details of the characteristics of the Redmi K30 Ultra. Xiaomi News

Post made by Lu Weibing regarding the Redmi K30 Ultra.

Beyond that, the leaks that we have received to date from this new Redmi K30 Ultra refer to a 120Hz AMOLED screen and a fast charging system capable of reaching 100W of power.

Redmi K30 Ultra: 4,500mAh battery and probably a MediaTek Dimensity 1000+. Xiaomi News

In short, a quite striking terminal that with a great quality / price ratio and improved features could end up staying in China as has happened with other terminals such as the Redmi X10 and Redmi 10X Pro .

Via | Gizmochina

The entry Xiaomi reveals new details of the characteristics of the Redmi K30 Ultra was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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