Xiaomi puts on sale a support for a gaming monitor design with LED lighting

One more day Xiaomi surprises us again with another most interesting product for sale on Youpin . This time it is a monitor support that, in addition to having a gaming design, is very versatile.

Under the Rage brand , this new gaming support arrives on Xiaomi's crowdfunding platform as an alternative equipped with gas shock absorbers . Thanks to these we can easily move our monitor in practically any position.

And it is that, among its many possibilities, this new monitor support that Xiaomi sells us allows us to turn our computer monitor in any direction, allowing it to tilt from 85º to 15º vertically , rotate by +/- 180º or modify its height with up to 280mm difference.

The first support for gaming monitors that Xiaomi sells on Youpin

The latest from Xiaomi on Youpin is a support for a gaming and lighting design monitor. News Xiaomi

This new monitor mount features red LED lighting on its base, as well as two USB 3.0 ports. In addition, it allows us to adjust its anchoring either by screwing it to the table or making it as a clamp.

The latest from Xiaomi on Youpin is a support for a gaming and lighting design monitor. News Xiaomi

Beyond what has been seen, we are faced with a monitor support capable of supporting a load of up to 9Kg , being compatible with screens ranging from 10 to 34 inches , thus allowing to support even the Xiaomi Mi Curved Gaming Monitor .

In addition, this new support for computer screens has a high resistance, not only in its structure, but in its gas shock absorbers. According to the manufacturer, its shock absorbers have passed up to 40,000 fatigue tests in the laboratory, which would mean intensive use over 11 years .

The latest from Xiaomi on Youpin is a support for a gaming and lighting design monitor. News Xiaomi The latest from Xiaomi on Youpin is a support for a gaming and lighting design monitor. News Xiaomi The latest from Xiaomi on Youpin is a support for a gaming and lighting design monitor. News Xiaomi

Likewise, its gas shock absorbers can be adjusted in hardness through an Allen type screw arranged in one of the rear axles of the arm. Thanks to this we can adjust the hardness and smoothness of the movements of the support itself.

Price and availability

The price of this new support for a monitor or computer screen that Xiaomi sells us on Youpin is 399 yuan, about 49 euros at the change. At the moment it is only sold in China although it is likely that we will see it for sale soon on AliExpress and other platforms.

More information at : Xiaomi Youpin

The entry Xiaomi puts on sale a support for a gaming design monitor with LED lighting was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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