Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra will be launched on August 11th

For a few days now, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro + has been making the rounds . And the release is planned for August 11, but under the name Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra.

Xiaomi also jumps on the ultra train. Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra will be the new flagship of the manufacturer from China. For a few days now, people have been reading something about the model online, and in a few days it should be presented.

Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro
Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro (Source: Xiaomi)

Apparently, the model should initially only be intended for the Chinese market. It will then be shown whether it will find its way to us later. I guess yes, because if the price is right, it could be a good alternative to the Ultra models from Samsung.

So far it is known that the new flagship will dispense with the 108 MP sensor and will instead use a 48 MP sensor. In addition, it should have a 6.67 ″ waterfall display with a resolution of 2,340 x 1,080 pixels and a refresh rate of 120 Hz.

And of course the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ will be on board, in cooperation with Qualcomm Xiaomi has probably also developed a "Game Turbo" here. What is still missing is the price. But the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra will never be cheap.

The post Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra will be presented on August 11th first appeared on Xiaomist .


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