Xiaomi adds two interesting photographic features to its high-end smartphones

Although MIUI 12 has already brought us new functionalities at the photographic level, Xiaomi does not stop updating and adding new options in each new update. An example of this are the new exposure and zoom settings and animations that the high-end receives.

As reported by Queena through Weibo , director of Xiaomi's photographic department, the MIUI 12 camera application has begun to receive an update adding a new, more graphic and easy-to-understand animation to check the exposure time .

As we can see below, the time remaining to finish taking a picture will be shown as progress on the camera's own shutter button . With this, Xiaomi has managed to let us know more clearly and precisely how much time is left until the photograph is fully taken.

Xiaomi adds two interesting photographic functionalities to its high-end smartphones. News Xiaomi

The exposure time progress will be displayed on the shutter.

In addition, Xiaomi has added a new viewfinder as a floating window that allows us to use the main camera and the telephoto lens simultaneously . With this we will be able to appreciate in which spatial position we are, even we have made a quite pronounced zoom.

Xiaomi adds two interesting photographic functionalities to its high-end smartphones. News Xiaomi

New secondary viewer that allows the use of both cameras.

In short, some quite interesting functionalities and animations that at the moment are only available in the Chinese ROM of MIUI 12 and also for certain advanced models such as the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra and Mi 10 Pro . It will be necessary to see if these novelties end up reaching other lower-end devices.

Source | Weibo

The entry Xiaomi adds two interesting photographic functionalities to its high-end smartphones was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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