This will be the new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro with active noise cancellation

Xiaomi seems to be finalizing preparations for the launch of its new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro , a wireless headset with active noise cancellation of which we already know its design.

And it is that, in the last hours, its Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) certification has appeared on the network, revealing certain characteristics of these new wireless headphones and also, the first image of how their design will be.

As we can see under these lines, the new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro, whose model number is reflected as TWSEJ09WM , will have a somewhat smaller design than the Xiaomi Mi Air 2 themselves, as well as an inear format , that is, with plugs to insert them directly into the ear.

This will be the new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro with active noise cancellation. News Xiaomi

Design of the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro.

In itself, we could say that the design of these new Xiaomi headphones will largely follow the design of Apple's own AirPods Pro , slightly varying their size and incorporating a rather elegant black color .

This will be the new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro with active noise cancellation. News Xiaomi

Certification of the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro.

We know little else about these new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro except that they will be wireless headphones with active noise cancellation and also with wireless charging . Even so, taking into account this recent certification, everything suggests that its launch will be shortly .

Via | ITHome

The entry This will be the new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Pro with active noise cancellation was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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