This is how Xiaomi s amazing transparent TV works

Just a week ago, along with the launch of the new Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra, Xiaomi unveiled its first transparent TV. We are talking about the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux , probably the most surprising Mi TV of which the firm today wanted to reveal its operation.

In detail, this new Xiaomi Mi TV Lux is the result of years of research. According to the firm, creating its first transparent OLED television has not been an easy task, much less quick , a true work of engineering that has finally been able to see the light commercially.

And, creating a completely transparent panel has posed countless challenges starting, without going any further, by bringing all the hardware components that are usually incorporated behind the screen, to the lower area.

Xiaomi Mi TV LUX: that's how spectacular the new Xiaomi transparent TV is

As a result, the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux locates all the electronic components at the bottom of the main panel. Of course, locating them all in this area was another challenge in the face of dissipation of heat generated by them.

A transparent panel that is not entirely transparent

This is how Xiaomi's amazing transparent TV works

Internal components of the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux base.

Beyond its base and its hardware components, the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux is made up of a 55-inch glass plate covered by a metal frame in order to provide greater rigidity to the entire set.

But ... how can you show images on transparent glass? the truth is that this panel is not so transparent. To be exact, it is divided into two parts; a completely transparent area and a cover of extremely small pixels that are almost invisible to the eye.

This is how Xiaomi's amazing transparent TV works

Capable in which the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux is divided.

Thanks to the fact that these pixels have a small size and that the connection between them is practically non-existent , it is possible that they go completely unnoticed when they are completely off.

In itself we could say that the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux is a "normal television" only that its hardware is located at the bottom and that its pixels are so small that they are almost hidden from human sight .

A fairly simple definition and explanation but certainly complete in technical terms if we take into account all the research and development that has gone into creating this amazing transparent TV.

Source | Weibo

The entry This is how Xiaomi's amazing transparent TV works was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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