Sony showed the first Polish PlayStation 5 commercials. What are the "PlayStation Benefits"?

Sony Interactive Entertainment Polska (SIEP) has published the first advertising materials for the PlayStation 5. This is the beginning of the advertising machine in our country, which is to convince as many Poles as possible to the new console.

"Play has no limits" is the new marketing slogan that will hold together Sony's first and future PS5 ads. The slogan appears at the end of each material and can be interpreted in several different ways. The simplest interpretation refers to the revolutionary fast SSD disk, thanks to which limitations such as loading screens disappear. The lack of limits may also apply to greater hardware computing power, backward compatibility with PS4 games, as well as the cross-play standard that Sony has been forced by the public.

The new slogan is visible on the first Polish PlayStation 5 ads.

Sony Interactive Entertainment Polska gave the green light to the first two videos advertising PS5. Both spots do it in an indirect way. The first was devoted to the DualSense controller and its capabilities, with an emphasis on new haptic technology that increases immersion during the game. The second spot refers to the "PlayStation benefits", exemplified by Marvel's Avengers. We will come back to them soon.

Both materials do not differ from their English-language counterparts. Well, not counting a few marketing phrases that do not fit our language, such as "adaptive trigger effects". However, it is not the clips themselves that are important, but the fact that they were made. This is because SIEP is officially launching the advertising campaign of the new console in Poland. The PS5 marketing machine has started in our country, despite the still unknown price and the exact release date of the device.

What are the "PlayStation Benefits"? One of the nails in the coffin of the Xbox.

I think we all agree that Microsoft collapsed the premiere calendar of the Xbox Series X. Halo Infinite was the only big production to start the platform, and now it has also been postponed to 2021 . With this rival's condition, Sony really doesn't have to try too hard. So, since the Japanese are not afraid of Microsoft's games exclusively, they decided to hit their resources where the rival could have an equal fight.

It's about multi-platform titles. Well-known and liked series like Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed or FIFA, which appear on several competing devices. Sony is negotiating with multi-platform publishers on a scale that has never happened before. PlayStation developers want third-party titles to be exclusive to PS5 owners. It can be, for example, a map for the personal mode in Battlefield, a separate character class in Diablo or a side quest in Dragon Age.

Sony has previously used this type of practice, getting along with, among others with the publisher Call of Duty and Destiny. However, now PS5 manufacturers want to expand this model on a much larger scale. Sony's dream is for almost every multiplatform game to be better, bigger and richer on PlayStation 5. A perfect example of this is the upcoming Marvel's Avengers . One of the playable characters in this game will be Spider-Man, but ... only on Sony consoles. Here are the "PlayStation benefits" in practice.

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Sony showed the first Polish PlayStation 5 commercials. What are the "PlayStation Benefits"?


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