New Xiaomi Redmi G: a gaming laptop with a 144Hz screen, an Intel Core i7 and a GTX 1650Ti

As planned, Xiaomi has presented its new Redmi G in China, the first gaming laptop launched under the Redmi brand that stands out for its features totally designed for game lovers and also for its price.

In detail, the new Redmi G laptop is presented with a quite striking design, combining really aggressive lines that give it a most gamer look. Multiple air vents are added to this , both on the back and on the sides, in order to efficiently evacuate heat.

Beyond its design, this new gaming laptop has a 16.1-inch screen capable of reaching 144Hz of refreshment. In combination a graphics nVidia GTX 1650Ti with 4GB of RAM is added .

New Xiaomi Redmi G: a gaming laptop with a 144Hz screen and a 5GHz Intel Core i7. Xiaomi News

Inside we also find an Intel Core i7-10750H , a powerful tenth generation processor that with 6 cores and 12 threads is capable of reaching 5.0GHz in its turbo mode.

New Xiaomi Redmi G: a gaming laptop with a 144Hz screen and a 5GHz Intel Core i7. Xiaomi News

Beyond that, this new Redmi G gaming laptop has WiFi 6 , Gigabit Ethernet port, keyboard with backlit numeric zone and a Hurricane Cooling 2.0 system capable of quickly and efficiently extracting all the heat generated inside.

Price and availability

At the moment the price of this new Xiaomi laptop has not been revealed. We will be happy about any new detail of this new Redmi G in order to update this article with its prices and other features.

The entry New Xiaomi Redmi G: a gaming laptop with a 144Hz screen, an Intel Core i7 and a GTX 1650Ti was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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