Huawei P Smart + 2019 Firmware Update [POT-LX1T (C431E3R2P3)]

There is a new security patch for the Huawei P Smart + 2019. The update POT-LX1T (C431E3R2P3) has July 2020 patch in its luggage.

The Huawei P Smart + 2019 is almost brought up to date again. The July 2020 security patch is now available for download for the model in Germany.

Huawei P Smart + 2019
Huawei P Smart + 2019 (Source: Huawei)

The update is only 109 MB in size, the download in the WiFi is not absolutely necessary, but you should still do it. Is more stable and your data volume.

You should also back up your personal data, you never know. The changelog only mentioned the new security patch as a change, otherwise everything stays the same.

POT-LX1T (C431E3R2P3) Changelog

List of changes
This update improves system security using Android security patches.

Integrated Android security patches released in July 2020 for improved system security. Further information on the security of HUAWEI's EMUI system updates can be found on the official HUAWEI website:

As always, the Huawei P Smart + 2019 firmware update POT-LX1T (C431E3R2P3) will be rolled out in waves. So it can still take a while until it will reach everyone.

Huawei blog

The article Huawei P Smart + 2019 Firmware Update [POT-LX1T (C431E3R2P3)] first appeared on Xiaomist .


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