Android 10 comes to one of Xiaomi s cheapest smartphones

After having reached numerous devices of the brand, Android 10 finally makes its presence in the Redmi 8A , one of Xiaomi's cheapest smartphones that can already boast of having the latest Google system news.

In detail, Android 10 has reached the Redmi 8A in all its versions, both in the Global and European version, as well as in China , Russia or even India . With this, Xiaomi has deployed, almost simultaneously, in all markets where this device is sold.

For its part, the Redmi 8A has received the Global V11.0.1.0.QCPMIXM update occupying a total of 1.7GB. Likewise, the European or EEA / EEE version is V11.0.1.0.QCPEUXM which occupies the same size in the Global one.

New details and features of the next Redmi 8. Xiaomi News

Unfortunately, this new big update comes to the Redmi 8A still based on MIUI 11 . Of course, add the security patches corresponding to this month of August so that our terminal will be fully protected.

As always, remember to back up your most important documents before updating. In addition, we recommend that you have at least 50% battery before proceeding with its installation.

The Android 10 entry reaches one of Xiaomi's cheapest smartphones, it was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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