Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: bringing the boring interface of Android TV to life

Xiaomi has officially announced MIUI for TV 3.0 , a new version of its customization layer for its televisions destined for the Asian market, which we would certainly love to see one day in the global variant of these.

In detail, this new version of MIUI for TV improves the design of its interface by adding new non-linear animations in true MIUI 12 style. Now, when entering or scrolling through content, the effects will be much more noticeable than before.

Likewise, the appearance of the player and the details page of the selected content have been improved . Now we can view this content and read information about it at the same time and from the same screen.

Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News

MIUI for TV 3.0: gamepad mode, microphone mode and remote installation of apps

Beyond its design, Xiaomi has improved the remote control of its televisions through our smartphone. Now we will have several modes including a gamepad mode , a microphone mode or the traditional control mode improving design.

Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News

In addition, MIUI for TV 3.0 makes it easy to install applications remotely . This new version will allow us to download the applications locally before definitively transmitting them to the television to proceed with their installation.

To all this is added a new function called « reverse control «, which projects the entire image of the television on our smartphone so that we can closely control its entire renewed interface.

Xiaomi announces MIUI for TV 3.0: remote installation of apps and greater control from our smartphone. Xiaomi  News

New MIUI for TV 3.0 "Reverse Control".

In short, MIUI for TV 3.0 brings with it a quite noticeable change at the aesthetic level, limiting itself for now to the Asian market . It remains to be seen if Xiaomi finally brings these improvements to the televisions already available in Europe, saying goodbye to the boring interface of Android TV.

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Xiaomi entry announces MIUI for TV 3.0: bringing the boring interface of Android TV to life was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi News and Updates website .


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