Xiaomi presents a new 65W charger ideal for all types of smartphones and laptops

With a size of just 50x50x28mm, Xiaomi has presented its new multipurpose charger with the ability to reach a maximum charging power of 65W . A small gadget not only to charge our smartphone, but also all kinds of laptops in record time.

In detail, this new charger or transformer from Xiaomi is presented with a size 27% smaller compared to other conventional chargers. Its only charging socket is a USB Type-C and it also adds two retractable connection plugs to facilitate its transport.

A charger for everyone so defined the new gadget Xiaomi

Beyond what we can imagine for its high charging power, this new Xiaomi charger is capable of charging all kinds of gadgets , from small wireless headphones, to smartphones, portable video consoles such as the Nintendo Switch or even high-performance laptops.

Xiaomi presents a new 65W charger ideal for all types of smartphones and laptops. Xiaomi  News

Xiaomi's new charger is capable of charging all kinds of devices.

To be exact, this new Xiaomi charger has technical characteristics capable of providing a charging current of 5V / 3A , 9V / 3A , 10V / 5A , 12V / 3A , 15V / 3A , 20V / 3.25A . In summary, a transformer capable of providing fast charging to practically any current smartphone.

Xiaomi presents a new 65W charger ideal for all types of smartphones and laptops. Xiaomi  News

Laptops compatible with the new Xiaomi charger.

In addition, as we can see in the previous image, this new charger is compatible with all types of laptops. Among them the MacBook Pro from Apple, Lenovo, Razer, HP, Google, Honor, Asus, Samsung, Huawei, Dell and of course, Xiaomi's own laptops.

Price and availability

The price of this new Xiaomi transformer is just 99 yuan, about 12.5 euros to change. A really attractive price, but unfortunately, for use outside of China we will have to make use of an adapter or a universal power strip.

More information at : Mi.com

The Xiaomi entry presents a new 65W charger ideal for all types of smartphones and laptops was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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