Safari will get the biggest update ever. That will change in macOS Big Sur

The new macOS Big Sur is also the new Safari browser. This is the biggest update since the first version.

Safari as it is, every Mac user can see. Theoretically fast, minimalistic, well integrated with the Apple ecosystem. In practice, annoying and reminiscent of the infamous Internet Explorer, but in a new era. I will not count how many websites, forms or individual elements refuse to work on Safari. You can't hide that this is not Chrome compatibility level.

Safari will definitely be useful for an update, and Apple just showed its details.

At first glance, the new Safari is a new look, consistent with the style of macOS Big Sur. The new browser is even more minimalistic than the current version.

Bookmark management is a big novelty. Tab favicons introduced in the previous version make navigation much easier when the bookmarks bar is crowded, but the new Safari version will go a step further: show thumbnails of the pages when you hover over the card. And if you want to organize the tab bar, a new option will appear under the right-click menu. You will be able to close all the cards to the right of the chosen one, i.e. the most recent of them.

Safari will get a new start screen.

It will be extensively personalized by adding sections and a background. You can choose from Apple wallpapers or your own photos, which can be dragged directly to the browser background.

As for the sections, the home page may contain, for example, articles saved for later reading, or tabs open on the iPad. These types of elements will be shown in the form of translucent tiles, just below the favorite pages menu. The whole promises to be minimalist, nice and above all functional.

Safari will receive extension support from other browsers.

"Other browsers" are probably programs based on Chromium, which will open completely new possibilities. There will also be an option to decide on which pages the extensions should work and on which pages they should not.

For now, we do not know the answer to the question of how much has changed under the hood. Safari is expected to be faster by up to 50 percent. relative to Chrome, but the question remains whether compatibility with new sites will improve. It's no secret that these are designed mainly for Chromium, which is used by the vast majority of Internet users.

Big Sur Safari

Safari will get the biggest update ever. That will change in macOS Big Sur


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