Not just Pixels. You can test Android 11 on Oppo phones

First Oppo Find X

The test version of Android 11 is available only for quite exotic phones. Fortunately, Google is already working with its hardware partners to expand these tests. Oppo among them.

Do you like the new features of Android 11? Me too. For the first time in a long time, the changes it contains are not a collection of the best and previously introduced innovations by Google's partners for so-called Android overlays - but the original and interesting ideas of the creators of the system itself. I particularly like the improvements related to the notification center and messenger service, which is the most important part of the phone for me.

The public beta testing of the new system, launched yesterday , is possible - as always - only on Google phones, i.e. quite rare Pixel smartphones. More specifically on Pixels 2 and newer. This unfortunately means that instead of testing the new system and helping Google in the final touches, most of you can read about it in Spider's Web.

Fortunately, Android 11 beta testing will be expanded to include phones from other manufacturers. For now, we know about Oppo.

Oppo confirmed in the pages of XDA Developers that Android 11 Beta builds for Find X2 and Find X2 Pro are already being prepared. Other manufacturers have not yet confirmed their participation in public tests, but they will probably join them. A year ago, the beta version of Android 10 could be tested on selected OnePlus, Nokia, Sony, Asus and Vivo devices.

The second beta version of the system is expected to appear in July, including bug fixes reported by testers. If everything goes well, the production version of Android 11 will hit Pixel devices in the third quarter of last year. Which means that probably in the spring the system will appear as an update of Google's partner hardware.

Not just Pixels. You can test Android 11 on Oppo phones


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