Motorola Razr 2 will debut in September. Here is everything we know about her before the premiere

The first Motorola Razr caused a huge buzz in the world of new technologies, but to be honest - it was not a successful phone. Motorola is now preparing the second generation of the "fold". Here's everything we know about Motorola Razr 2.

Even the most devoted Motorola fan and even the most susceptible consumer can not deny that Motorola Razr has not been spectacularly successful.

Although Motorola from the beginning said that Razr will be a kind of "limited edition", so nobody was counting on large sales. However, this one would certainly be much higher if Razr was even a bit more ... a modern telephone.

While the folding screen and retro-innovative design were impressive, the specification rather raised an eyebrow in disbelief.


Snapdragon 710, 6 GB of RAM, 128 GB of data space, battery with a capacity of only 2510 mAh and a single camera with a resolution of 16 Mpix - this is not a specification of a phone costing over 6000 PLN, no matter how innovative its design was. No wonder that Motorola has lost to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip from the very beginning.

Nevertheless, this wonderfully bizarre phone has a group of die-hard fans, and also does a few things phenomenally, maybe even better than Z Flip. First of all, it has a very useful external screen, which has become even more useful with the update to Android 10. Without a doubt, it is also the best-looking "fold", being the spiritual heir of the iconic Motorola Razr with a flip.

The new Razr turned out to be such an interesting device that Motorola decided to release a new version to the world.

We will see this soon and we know quite a lot about it.

Motorola Razr 2 - what do we know about it?

Officially, we only know the release date. Motorola's Managing Director in Africa, Thibault Dousson revealed that we will see the new phone in September.

I just hope that this time Motorola will rise to the challenge and from the premiere to the debut in store will not be long months, as was the case with last year's Motorola Razr.

We also know something about the device specifications. Instead of the poor Snapdragon 710 we will find a quite efficient Snapdragon 765 system in it, which also indicates that the new Razr will support the 5G network. In addition, there will be room for 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of data space.

Rather, I do not expect the Motorola Razr 2 to be visually significantly different from the previous version, because in the end we are talking about an iconic design through which many customers were interested in this product at all.

The news , however , is that in a similar housing we will see a much larger screen. The Motorola Razr 2 display will have a 6.7 "diagonal. I wonder if this means hanging the dimensions of the device, or maybe a significant reduction in thick frames and chin. The external display is also to be increased, although we don't have any details here.

Motorola Razr 2 - what would we like to see?

The list of confirmed information about the new Motorola is quite short, so there is a lot of room for speculation and wishes.

You can speculate about the obvious. Motorola Razr 2 will definitely have a slightly larger battery than its predecessor and certainly the technology in which the screen is made will be improved; maybe this time you can't press it with your fingernail.

I can also speculate that Razr 2 will be able to do much more from the software side. Motorola with the premiere of the smartphone Motorola Edge / Edge + showed a new version of its overlay, My UX, which gives designers full freedom when it comes to adapting the system functions to the unusual design of the device (as it does in Motorola Edge).

Motorola razr 2020

I would, however, wish the Motorola Razr 2 had a better camera. It can be one sensor, it does not have to be several - but let it be a decent system, not a Sony sensor for several years. Certainly Motorola will replace the outdated sensor with a new one, but I would like it to be a really good camera. One that would be worth the price of the device.

The biggest enemy of Motorola Razr, however, was its price, completely out of reach. Motorola could hide behind an unusual design solution, until Samsung showed me that you can stuff much better components in a similar design for much less money. So you can wish that the Motorola Razr 2 was even a bit cheaper. And it is best that it costs as much as the Galaxy Z Flip, to at least cost equal to its rival.

To what extent these expectations and speculations will be reflected in reality - we will find out only in September.

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Motorola Razr 2 will debut in September. Here is everything we know about her before the premiere


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