It s Sony s decision. The latest PS4 games will work on PS5, and PS5 games on PS4 will not

The image of game compatibility between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 is slowly clearing up. Sony has decided to make a radical move, but it will be appreciated by players who buy the PS5 just after the premiere.

We know more and more about the rules Sony will follow during the premiere games for the current and upcoming generation of PlayStation. Sony has made two decisions that arouse controversy among players.

The latest games released at the end of the PS4 generation will also have to work on PS5.

playstation 4 results

Sony is clear: games created for PS4, and released after July 13, 2020, will also have to work on PlayStation 5 when this console is already on the market . Sony announces that if the developer does not meet this condition, his game will not get certification and as a result it will not be possible to distribute the title.

Such a move looks quite radical, but it should not upset developers' lives. Big studios rather have release plans for both generation consoles to maximize profits. Restricting only to PS4, which will be the equipment of the last generation in a few months, sounds like cutting its wings.

Sony reports should follow these guidelines. The last two high-profile exclusive games on PS4 are The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima. We already know that the first will get the PS5 version, while the second will premiere on July 17, 2020, so after Sony's border date. This means that we can most likely assume that we'll be able to visit Cuszima Island from the PS5 console.

What about external developers? We don't know about many games for the new generation, but the example of Assassin's Creed Valhalla shows that external producers want the premiere on as many platforms as possible. Said Assassin's Creed will premiere in December 2020 and meet Sony's requirement: it will be available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 (as well as on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC).

On the other hand, the situation is not so rosy for players with PS4. Sony games released for PlayStation 5 will probably not be available for the PlayStation 4 version.

PlayStation 5 DualSense 1

This Thursday, Sony will unveil the cards and show games for the upcoming PlayStation 5. It is not known what to expect, but Jim Ryan, president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, cools down a bit in an interview with Games Industry .

The CEO of SIE strongly suggests that developers affiliated with Sony Interactive Entertainment (and thus studios creating exclusive games) will fully use the potential of PS5. It is about unusual hardware solutions, such as controller haptics, 3D sound or very fast SSDs.

As a consequence, exclusive games released for the PS5 console will probably not be available for the PS4 version.

Thus, Sony wants to make the PlayStation 5 market launch more attractive in two ways.

On the one hand, Sony wants to ensure the largest catalog of games available on PlayStation 5, forcing external developers to be compatible with the new generation console.

On the other hand, Sony is creating a new generation of games using the potential of PS5, available only on the new generation console. This approach may irritate PS4 owners, but at the same time is a nod to the biggest enthusiasts who will buy PS5 freshly after the premiere. Such people will be able to feel that the new generation is actually bringing a new quality.

Personally, I am of the opinion that you should cut off a thick line from the PlayStation 4 luggage as soon as possible. There are plenty of beautiful games on PS4, so if the current owner of this console intends to buy the PS5 only in a few years, he will have something to play. Full isolation from PS4 would create better, larger and more powerful games of the new generation. In a word, it would provide the leap that players expect. In this matter, I am in favor of a revolutionary leap, not a slow evolution stretched over several years.

We'll find out more about PlayStation 5 games - and maybe even the hardware itself - on June 4. at Sony's scheduled conference.

It's Sony's decision. The latest PS4 games will work on PS5, and PS5 games on PS4 will not


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