Xiaomi Mi Air 2S and 2 SE wireless headphones are about to hit the Global market

Little by little Xiaomi has been taking its wireless headphones beyond China. He already did it with his Xiaomi Mi Air 2 TWS and now apparently he will also bring us his version with wireless charging and the recently launched Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE .

And is that, just a few days ago the Xiaomi Mi Air 2S TWS were certified in the Bluetooth SIG unit, thus predicting that its launch, at least in Europe, will be shortly or that it is at least among the company's plans.

Let's not forget that this version is mainly based on the Xiaomi Mi Air 2 TWS , adding as an extra support for wireless charging . With this we could take full advantage of the reverse charge of the new Xiaomi Mi 10 and Mi 10 Pro that to date has been largely forgotten by its users.

Xiaomi Mi Air 2S and 2 SE wireless headphones are about to hit the Global market. Xiaomi  News

Certification of Xiaomi Mi Air 2S TWS headphones with wireless charging.

In addition to these, the newly introduced Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SEs have also made an appearance on the NCC . In this case it is a certification unit from Taiwan, confirming that they will at least leave China.

Xiaomi Mi Air 2S and 2 SE wireless headphones are about to hit the Global market. Xiaomi  News

Certification of the Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE in the NCC.

Without a doubt, very good news for all those who were looking forward to the arrival of the first Xiaomi headphones with wireless charging . In addition, the Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE will bring to the wide range of Xiaomi wireless headphones one more option to consider.

Source | Bluetooth SIG

The entry Xiaomi Mi Air 2S and 2 SE wireless headphones are about to hit the Global market was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi News and Updates website .


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