Receive Civilization VI for free. Two clicks are all it takes

Another great opportunity appeared on the Epic Games Store. This time, we'll grab Sid Meier's Civilization VI strategy for free. To get it, they are literally enough for a click in the web browser window.

Epic Games Store surprised players around the world by offering Grand Theft Auto V for free. The digital distribution platform is known for regularly distributing free games. In this way, Epic wants to build a community attached to its digital library, which sooner or later will start leaving its own money on the platform. As it does now on Steam or

Civilization VI is another free hit of the Epic Games Store

Sid Meier's Civilization VI can now be downloaded from the official store website by going to this secure address . Just click the "download" button and then confirm your willingness to buy for a dizzying PLN 0. Since then, Civilization VI is in our digital library, and we have access to the game on every computer on which we will install the official Epic Games application.

As a moderate fan of the series, I must point out that six is ​​definitely one of the best hits. Unfortunately, the strategy gains real blush only after installing the capital expansion Rising Storm, introducing many unique mechanics and ideas. Changing the shape of the continents over the years or world congress are elements that I would miss in the basic edition of the game. Of course, even without this extension, Civ VI is still a successful production. And it will also work on weaker devices, in contrast to such a GTA V.

The next free games will be Borderlands and ARK

It is also known what will be the next free games appearing on the Epic Games Store platform. We will download Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (from May 28) and ARK: Survival Evolved (from June 4) from the digital store without any additional fees. Adding to this GTA V and Civilization VI, we are growing a really interesting, diverse catalog of games just in time for social isolation and new normality .

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Receive Civilization VI for free. Two clicks are all it takes


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