Night mode on the Galaxy S20 Ultra camera - photo duel results

Behind us is the third challenge in a photo duel implemented with cameras on Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra smartphones. See how the night mode turned out.

In our photographic duel with Łukasz Kotkowski we are fighting for the best photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra camera. The first round was devoted to culinary photography , and the second - to Easter cadres .

In the third round, we decided to conduct a real test of the Galaxy S20 Ultra capabilities, because the theme was night mode. Shooting in low light is always the biggest challenge for a smartphone. You could see our photo on Instagram, where - as usual - we also voted for better staff.

samsung night photography galaxy s20 ultra

samsung night photography galaxy s20 ultra

The third round was won by a photo of a bicycle at the gate taken by Marcin.

Marcin Połowianiuk: it is worth using the night mode not only at night.

I put up a photograph for the duel, which I took ... during the day. I took a photo in the entrance to the courtyard in front of one of Warsaw's tenements. In cloudy weather, the tunnel was in very deep shade. Photography in automatic mode reflects well how I saw the scene with the naked eye.

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

Switching the camera application to the night mode allowed to store incomparably more details in the photo. Suddenly, the bicycles standing against the wall became clear, and the walls themselves revealed a strong texture and three-dimensionality caused by a cracking layer of plaster bitten by a tooth of time. In addition, more colors appeared in the picture.

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

The photo in the night mode is bright and detailed, so it is a very good base for processing. In the VSCO application, I applied a photo filter called U1 and reduced its intensity from 12 to 10. Then I added a vignette and slightly increased the clarity to emphasize the details even more. The final photograph looks exactly the way I wanted to show this scene.

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

What I like most is the fact that in night mode you can shoot from your hand, despite the use of an exposure time of a few seconds. The algorithms ensure that photography is not disturbed. Such capabilities in a traditional camera are not available, and long exposure requires the use of a tripod. This example shows the importance of software in mobile photography.

Łukasz Kotkowski: I have a certain problem with night photos taken with modern smartphones - they have become too good!

When I take a photo in "night" mode with equipment such as Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, the phone is able to pull out of the darkness so much detail that suddenly the night scenery starts to look like at most late evening.

However, night mode is invaluable when it comes to preserving details and colors after dark. Once in poor lighting, we could count on a noisy picture and differences in color in relation to how a given scene looks really. The Galaxy S20 Ultra can take a photo at night and capture the colors exactly as they are. I found this out by photographing one of the Słupsk murals. Pay attention not only to the preserved colors, but also to the dynamic range - you can see both the painting bathed in the darkness of the building and the display in the shop window.

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

I also took the opportunity to take night photos of the Słupsk town hall, which usually cannot be taken with a "clean" photo, because even at night there are parked cars. This time I was able to cover the whole building, just after renovation of the facade, and not have a single car on it.

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

For the duel with Marcin, I put up a photo taken just below the town hall. A lone red bicycle, pinned to a stand, probably belonging to a night watchman or an overtime official.

I didn't have to do practically anything with the photo. I only deepened the shadows, because - as I wrote earlier - the night mode in the Galaxy S20 Ultra is so good that the output scenery resembled late evening rather than the middle of the night. I improved the white balance, straightened the frame slightly skewed, and thus this shot was created:

samsung galaxy s20 ultra night mode

Soon another round and a new photographic theme to be captured with the Galaxy S20 Ultra camera

We remind you to like Spider's Web profile on Instagram , where you will find more of our photos. It is worth visiting the Relations section. If you have wishes for the fourth round of the duel, we invite you to comment below this text, where you can leave your ideas.

* The material was created in cooperation with Samsung

Night mode on the Galaxy S20 Ultra camera - photo duel results


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