Xiaomi would present this same year its first folding smartphone inspired by the Galaxy Z Flip

Talking about rumors about Xiaomi is the order of the day, in many real occasions and in other simple speculations that do not end in anything. Still, this time we get a new quite surprising rumor that would place the first folding smartphone of the firm throughout this 2020.

Foldable smartphones have undoubtedly become "fashion devices." Mobile terminals that in part, do not finish having the expected success, but that everything could change before the arrival of the first Xiaomi device of this type.

And it is that apparently, according to this new rumor that has begun to re-emerge on the network, Xiaomi would present this same 2020 its first folding smartphone . A terminal inspired by the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and Motorola RAZR but with a perhaps more striking design.

Xiaomi would present this year its first folding smartphone inspired by the Galaxy Z Flip. Xiaomi  News

As we can see in these first unofficial renders , the Xiaomi folding smartphone would have a fairly compact design. In addition, according to the first details that come to us from China, its screen would be produced by the Korean Samsung.

Beyond its design, we know little more about this curious terminal, that even launching this year, it would be quite likely that its future would be very similar to that of the Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha : a somewhat exorbitantly priced mobile concept.

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The Xiaomi entry would present this same year its first folding smartphone inspired by the Galaxy Z Flip was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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