The new Amazfit X finally goes on sale at a much more attractive price than expected

After a long wait and as we had already anticipated, the new Amazfit X is now available for purchase . A futuristic wearable with a curved screen, which beyond surprising for its design, has done so with its low price.

Without going any further, the Amazfit X has been launched through the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform at an attractive price of just 138 euros . In addition, if we buy more than one unit we will be able to obtain fantastic discounts of up to 54%.

In principle, the first units produced seem to be quite limited , although for now there are still units for sale. Of course, the first shipments are not expected to be made until mid-summer, that is, around the month of August.

Amazfit X, the most futuristic smartwatch you will find on the market

New Amazfit X, features, price and launch. Xiaomi  News

For those who do not remember it, the Amazfit X was presented as the first wearable with flexible display of the firm . Undoubtedly, a great job that according to Huami was the result of a long period of research and above all, millions of dollars invested.

The new Amazfit X finally goes on sale at a much more attractive price than expected. Xiaomi  News

In detail, the Amazfit X features a flexible 2.07-inch , 326ppi display and a spectacular 430-nit brightness. In addition, the total curvature of this reaches an angle of 92º , thus surrounding our wrist as if it were a rigid bracelet.

Its body is integrated into a metal and glass chassis , hiding a push button, as well as a 220mAh lithium battery whose autonomy ensures it reaches 7 days of normal use.

The new Amazfit X finally goes on sale at a much more attractive price than expected. Xiaomi  News

Of rest, the Amazfit X integrates a proprietary processor called Huangshan 2 manufactured in 7nm. In addition, it includes BioTracker PPG for heart rate control and a resistance for use in water of up to 5ATM .

The entry The new Amazfit X finally goes on sale at a much more attractive price than expected was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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