Samsung watches will measure your blood pressure. The function was certified by the Korean Ministry of Health

galaxy watch active2 blood pressure meter

Samsung watches already have many functions that help us to take care of health and fitness. The newest, as well as its successors, will soon offer another: they will be able to measure blood pressure.

Galaxy Watch Active2 - Samsung's latest sports watch - will receive a software update this year introducing a relatively unique function of the blood pressure monitor. The software has already been tested by the Korean Ministry of Health and approved and certified as a source of reliable data.

Unfortunately, the Galaxy Watch Active2 will not make communing with a traditional blood pressure monitor superfluous. The watch will initially need to be calibrated using this more traditional medical accessory by entering relevant measurement data into the Samsung Health app. Fortunately, the calibration is one-time, although it is recommended to repeat it every four weeks.

After calibration, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 will be able to function as a blood pressure monitor.

The watch will measure using a pulse wave analysis method using its hardware sensors.

The function itself will be part of the Samsung Health service (and client application). An update containing this feature is expected to appear in the third quarter of this year - although it is not yet clear whether all watch users or only South Korean users will receive it by this date. We assume, however, that this is the first.

The blood pressure monitor is to be part of all future Galaxy watches and bands. Unfortunately, it will not go to older models. The owners of Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Watch Active first generation will have to do without taste.

Samsung watches will measure your blood pressure. The function was certified by the Korean Ministry of Health


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