iPhone X almost 3 years later. Is it still worth buying?

When I bought an iPhone X a year and a half ago, iPhone XS was already looming on the horizon. However, I am convinced that in 2020 the iPhone X is still a good choice.

I use a smartphone that was presented 30 months ago. Manufacturers have accustomed us to the annual premieres, so in the world of smartphones my device can be considered old. Since its release, Apple has already shown the iPhone XS and iPhone 11 Pro, and this year is expected to appear in iPhone 12. This last debut is not a foregone conclusion, because the coronavirus pandemic is forcing manufacturers to correct their plans.

One of the queries on Google prompted me to write this text, after which the reader came to the Spider's Web page. It read as follows:

iPhone X is it worth buying?

Similar questions also apply to other smartphone models: Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note 8. Also older Huaweia models. We will try to answer them in other texts.

When we look at the tables, the iPhone X loses with the iPhone 11 Pro.

The current sales model - iPhone 11 Pro - is the third edition of the smartphone with Apple's production note. The series began with the iPhone X. When we look at the front of the iPhone X, XS and 11 Pro, we will have a problem distinguishing these three devices. A significant difference is only visible from the back. iPhone X and twin XS have an island with a dual lens. iPhone 11 Pro is equipped with three lenses. Also, when you take these smartphones in hand, you don't feel that the newest is towering over older ones. iPhone 11 Pro underwent a delicate facelift, which was forced by a new camera system.

The differences are visible under the hood. The iPhone X has an A11 Bionic processor and 3 GB of RAM. iPhone 11 Pro is already 4 GB of RAM and A13 Bionic processor. The latest model also has a lighter display (800 nits versus 625 rivets on older models). I could devote a few paragraphs to the specification tables, but in practice the main differences boil down to two aspects.

The first is the camera. The gap between iPhone X and iPhone 11 Pro in this respect. Photos from the iPhone 11 are much more detailed, and a comparison of those taken after dark outclasses the completely older iPhone.

The second important aspect is the battery. On paper, we have 2716 mAh in the oldest model and 3046 mAh in the newest. In fact, absolutely all iPhone 11 Pro users that I know notice a huge difference in battery life. iPhone X lasts barely all day on one charge (oh, I used to recharge it during the day during intensive use). The battery indicator in the iPhone 11 Pro after a day of moderate use of it can show 50-60 percent in the evening.

I have no reason to replace the iPhone X with a newer model.

iphone x

I purposely combined the iPhone X above with the latest model. When the next editions of the flagship smartphones come out, the producers are trying to convince us to replace the equipment. Of course, there are people who buy a new device every year. In the vast majority of cases (at least in Poland), we decide to shop every 2-3 years.

Holding my iPhone X in my hand, I feel I have lost little. Don't get me wrong - taking into account the two areas mentioned above, in which the iPhone 11 Pro is superior to the iPhone X, I can definitely say that the latest Apple smartphone presented is much better than my device. Only that in everyday use it is not felt so much.

In addition to the camera and battery, there is basically only one element that I envy owners of newer iPhones. It's streamlined Face ID. Apple also improved the biometric identification system at the software level, which was felt especially after upgrading to iOS 13, which also accelerated the unlocking speed on the first iPhone with Face ID. However, more important changes were introduced at the hardware level. Already in the iPhone XS Face ID "caught" the face much more effectively than in the previous model. It was primarily about unlocking the smartphone at an angle. Biometrics works even better on the iPhone 11 Pro.

Life example? Here you are. In the car, I communicate with the iPhone by voice using Siri. To perform some operations, you must unlock the device. In the case of the iPhone X, the phone must be set at a fairly precise angle so that it unlocks easily. I did not notice a similar problem in the iPhone 11 Pro. Anyway, this also applies when the device is on the desk top. Face ID on the iPhone X is not always as effective as on newer models.

Of course, this does not mean that biometric identification does not work. It works, works perfectly and much better than Touch ID, which I experience several times a day, unlocking the iPad with my fingerprint. It is much slower and much more engaging device security than Face ID.

Smoothness is important for many users.

iphone x

For me too, that's why I expected a big difference in speed between my iPhone X and iPhone 11 Pro. I would have to lie if I said that there is no difference in this respect, but it does not bring to my knees.

A few weeks ago, for a good few hours, I tortured my brother's iPhone 11 Pro. One of the elements was the performance test of the type found on YouTube. We put iPhone X and iPhone 11 Pro next to each other, and at the same time launch the same applications, checking how much faster the new smartphone is.

Effect? Most applications launched in parallel. This applied to both Netflix and Apple applications such as Phone, Messages and FaceTime. Facebook and Messenger started slightly slower. You could experience more difference in Safari. Pages were loading faster on the iPhone 11 Pro. It was similar with some games.

Sounds like a shopping argument in favor of the new iPhone? Until we see it live. The differences can be counted in milliseconds, and no average user will notice them. Unless he's obsessed.

This means only one thing - that the iPhone X has been very well optimized to work with the latest iOS 13. In addition, it shows that the Apple smartphone had a considerable power supply, which is why after 2.5 years from the premiere it still works so fast that it doesn't we feel a strong impulse to exchange it.

iPhone X or iPhone 9 / SE 2?

For months, it has been widely said that Apple will launch a new, cheap smartphone . The iPhone 8 (7, 6s, 6) is expected to debut the iPhone 9 or iPhone SE 2. We find in it (supposedly) components from the iPhone 11.

When I pick up my wife's iPhone 7, I know that I would not like to take a step back, even at the price of potentially greater speed and smoothness of operation and a better camera. Form factor of the previous generation of iPhones can be considered archaic today (in fact, the current generation smacks of the mouse), and the small 4.7 "display with a slightly smaller smartphone size compared to the iPhone X makes me not even consider On the other hand, I know I'm not in the target group and the iPhone 9, if it hits the market, will be a success.

Is it worth buying an iPhone X?

This question is a bit perverse, because buying a new iPhone X may not be easy. A quick look at offers on the network indicates that there is a possibility of purchasing the iPhone X 64GB for PLN 3899 in one of the electromarket networks. The problem is that paradoxically cheaper you can buy an iPhone XS. In this approach, the choice seems obvious, and buying an iPhone X is unprofitable.

To this image should be added a filter in the form of the current situation related to the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly affects the assessment of the possibility of buying a smartphone. In other words, we may have a problem purchasing any device under current conditions.

The matter is not facilitated by the fact that Apple immediately after presenting the iPhone XS withdrew the offer of the iPhone X.

Consider shopping at auction or announcement platforms, or buying back a used device. However, this involves some risk.

If we ignore all these problems, buying an iPhone X still seems a sensible solution. Those users who are thinking about replacing the Tenth , and are not only concerned with the quality of the photos, also have no major reasons to spend money. Especially in times of crisis.

iPhone X almost 3 years later. Is it still worth buying?


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