I don t leave the house, so I clean up. Steamer Karcher SC5 EasyFix - review

What can you do when you shouldn't leave the house? Cleaning, of course. I took care of them and I used the test copy of the Karcher SC5 EasyFix dish.

This is not my first Karcher steamer at home. Recently, I wrote about why I can not imagine everyday cleaning without this equipment and I will not repeat myself - after all, if SC2 does something right, then clearly more expensive and more advanced SC5 will also cope with these tasks.

Let's focus on what the highest model in the range does best, how it differs, what problems it solves compared to the cheaper version, and whether it is worth paying extra.

Solution for problem number 1: EasyFix

This is not a characteristic feature only of the most expensive SC5, but it was one of the first things that I appreciated in the tested unit. In standard and older versions, the cloth (or nicer: pad) for washing the floor was held on the nozzle using two latches. This solution worked fine, but there were two problems with it. First of all - it took a bit of effort and it wasn't always possible to stretch the pad properly and evenly. Secondly - getting dirty during or after cleaning was not the most pleasant thing.

Here, instead of snaps, we simply have Velcro. We hook it on it with one touch and that's it. I haven't had a situation where I would have to clearly improve it after putting it on. In addition, it is much easier to get dirty off the nozzle without getting your hands dirty or even without it. bending down - all you need to do is ... foot on the huge tag that is used for this. Simple but can make a big difference.

PS According to the manufacturer's declarations, the floor cleaning nozzle has phenomenal maneuverability and can be used in almost every nook and cranny - including a low sofa or other cabinet. And without much effort.

Solution to problem number 2: water heating up time and heating up during work

As I wrote - SC2 is great, but on condition that we have either a relatively small washing surface or patience to wait out all the water heating intervals that allow you to get steam. This problem is not really there. I have washed over 30-40 m2 without a break, and the heating icon was lit once and for a very short time.

Anyway, the period you need is very short. devote to the initial preparation of the pair. According to the manufacturer, these are 3 minutes. In my opinion - less time than necessary for additional preparation of the room for cleaning, i.e. taking a bicycle from inside the room (do not ask).

Solution for problem number 3: additional water tank

This was my next caveat in relation to SC2 - a relatively small water tank, which in addition could not be removed from the device. As a result, it could turn out in the middle of cleaning that we have to unplug the device, lift it and move it to one of the domestic water sources to fill the tank (or carry a bottle with it). Then of course you had to wait until the new portion of water was heated from scratch and turned into steam.

And in SC5? This problem is solved by a removable water tank. At any time, we can remove it from the dish, add 1.5 liters of water, put it into the device, which itself - if necessary - will pump new water into the appropriate tank. Clean, fast, comfortable. At the same time, the tank will probably be filled with only the most demanding - according to the specification, it is enough to wash ... 150 m2. I don't even have enough at home.

It is worth adding that the SC4 model offers a similar system.

Solution for problem number 4: greater steam humidity control range

SC2 is rather limited in this respect, while SC5 is definitely not. You can choose from a whole range of settings, from those where there is relatively little moisture (which does not mean that it is not there!) And the floor dries almost in your eyes, to the modes that you can rather call washing or light flooding . Each of these modes has its practical use - when I clean the floor every day (and it happens quite regularly) and I want it to be suitable for walking again, I use the weaker modes more often. However, when a room has not seen the dish for a long time, the stronger ones are useful.

Higher levels are also used to clean the joints with a suitable nozzle, while weaker ones - for example, to wash the walls in the bathroom, so that all washing does not end up with not very beautiful cornucopia of stains. Also in economy mode, I clean tops and cabinets fronts or floor panels.

And these are probably probably the two biggest advantages of SC5 and advantages compared to e.g. SC2. First of all - high maximum power makes removing even more serious impurities very easy. On the other hand - we have such a range of regulation that we do not have to treat everything with a powerful stream of steam, which ends with a large amount of water. We can also wash almost dry if we need it.

Solution for problem number 5: possibility of connecting an iron

It wasn't in the test set, but I admit that I have been tempted by the iron connected to the dish for a long time. It's just that in SC2 I can't even dream of using such a facility. In SC5 - I could plan it as much as possible.

Solution for problem number 6: better clean

At the same time, you don't feel so much difference on flat surfaces that are easy to clean. You can feel it quite clearly when cleaning corners and heavily soiled joints using a detail tip and a round brush. And this is a big, noticeable difference. For example, with SC2, washing light joints in the kitchen required the use of a turbo brush and some physical scraping with it. SC5, with a standard tip, copes with the same joints without much participation on my part - I put it lightly, I drive several times and now. It remains to collect water.

Of course, SC2 can wash the same places with similar effect, but sometimes they require either more friction or a little more time.

It has changed, but I'm still counting on the plus: size

Although SC5 has everything better, stronger and more efficient than SC2, it still maintains a decent size. To put it simply - it still takes roughly the same space as an average home vacuum cleaner. So if someone has room for one bonus vacuum cleaner in the broom compartment - SC5 will easily fit in it.

It is also not excessively heavier than the average vacuum cleaner or SC2 - although with a net weight of 6 kg, it is not something that everyone will easily throw to the top shelf in the pantry.

However, just considering purchasing SC5 for a smaller apartment or apartment with small rooms, in my opinion, does not make much sense - it is a device for large houses and large rooms. The smaller will simply be wasted. It is also not very easy maneuvering equipment, which is not disturbed by large wheels.

On the other hand - SC5 is extremely stable. I tugged him during cleaning to various sides and never fell over.

And what did I think about it and what were the effects?

Actually everything. Floors, countertops, joints, walls, sinks, sinks, dog and cat bowls, kitchen cabinets, kitchen wall tiles, windows (although I prefer dedicated washers), taps, showers and ... there would probably still be some elements in my home that met closely with one of the SC5 terminals. Everything with water alone, all without chemicals. Everything with exactly the effect I expected.

But ... I already wrote it on the occasion of SC2, so it's hard to get worse with SC5.

Any disadvantages?

First of all, I would suggest two, although it is a bit of a tack.

First of all, the pump that is responsible for transporting water can be a little loud. So loud that if I just put the child to sleep (I don't have a child, but I guess what it is like), I would rather not go to fight dirt on the floors using SC5. On the other hand - I cleaned many times in the room where my wife currently has a home office and I did not have a difficult conversation because of it.

The second disadvantage - SC5, like SC2 and probably most steamers, has such a characteristic that after the first steam preparation the first pressing of the steam gun trigger causes the release of not so much steam as hot water. After a few seconds steam is already emitted from it, but if we put a pad for cleaning the floor, it will immediately become quite wet and its use will miss the target.

What's included

It's fast, though it also depends a bit on the sales kit. In addition to the device, in the box you will find:

  • EasyFix nozzle for cleaning floors
  • EasyFix pad for cleaning floors (I also washed the bathroom walls with it, I recommend it)
  • set of two pipes
  • nozzle for details
  • round, small brush (I recommend to buy it, if we often scrape something, because they degrade relatively quickly)
  • microfiber coating for the hand nozzle

This is obviously not the end, because you can buy, among others window cleaning nozzle, power nozzle, textile nozzle, steam turbo brush (I recommend), brass brushes, and of course various sets of wipes (I recommend it because they will be useful).

Worth it or not?

When it comes to Karcher steamers - I recommend it with a clean heart, because I have been using it for several years and if I would keep only one equipment for cleaning the house, I would choose this one.

However, as for the SC5 EasyFix itself, one should also mention its price. In the official store, the standard set was priced at PLN 1659, which may be a prohibitive price for many people. The more that SC2, which I use with pleasure every day, costs PLN 529 and - to put it simply - it is able to do almost the same. Maybe except for ironing.

However, there is a big difference in the fact that he can do almost the same , and how he can do it. I can't imagine washing a large house with SC2, for example. I am starting to have a problem imagining how I will be able to go back to washing my relatively small house with the Two. Especially for those more troublesome dirt, such as mud in the corridor on light joints.

Just in case, I will now go a little clean up with the help of SC5, before I have to send back the test copy ...

I don't leave the house, so I clean up. Steamer Karcher SC5 EasyFix - review


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