Get the new Xiaomi Mi 10 with almost € 250 discount thanks to this AliExpress offer

After its launch and despite its price, the new Xiaomi Mi 10 has become one of the most desired smartphones of the moment. Whether for its attractive design, its large battery or its great power, there is no doubt that we are really facing the best smartphone that Xiaomi has made .

That is why below we bring you one of the best offers we have found for the new Xiaomi flagship, a real bargain that for only 559 euros allows us to have a whole Xiaomi Mi 10 in its 6 / 128GB variant .

This offer is available on AliExpress through the Xiaomi Mi Store resellers, one of the most recommended for its high rating score that reaches 98.5% positive votes . In addition, it is the Global version of the Xiaomi Mi 10, that is, it includes all the bands and languages.

Also from Spain with € 100 discount and 2 gift gadgets

Xiaomi will give away a Mi TWS 2, a Mi Band 3 and a check for € 100 with the reservation of the new Xiaomi Mi 10. News Xiaomi

In addition, if we prefer to buy any of the two new Xiaomi Mi 10 or Mi 10 Pro from Spain, we can also find it on Amazon with a discount of € 100 to which two gift gadgets are added: a Xiaomi Mi Band 3 and headphones Xiaomi Mi Air 2 TS wireless.

In going further, the Amazon Xiaomi is already available for purchase / reservation the Xiaomi Mi 10 8 / 128GB for only 699 euros . Likewise, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro 8 / 256Gb can be found for just € 899.

The entry Get the new Xiaomi Mi 10 with almost € 250 discount thanks to this AliExpress offer was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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