After half a year with the iPhone 11 I have no doubt that my next smartphone will also be the iPhone

Apparently, once you buy an iPhone, you don't return to Android anymore. Six months ago I laughed at this statement. Then I bought an iPhone and I'm not laughing anymore.

It's been over half a year since my main phone is the iPhone 11 and I must admit that only after this time I begin to understand what all those who are unable to switch from iOS to Android are talking about. I will say more - buying an iPhone made my job as a hardware reviewer much more difficult.

There is no rational reason today to buy an iPhone instead of an Android smartphone.

Let's start with the fact that buying an iPhone in almost no case is dictated by rational reasons, just like buying any smartphone at a price above PLN 3,500. In the case of Apple's smartphone, there are two exceptions to this rule: when you buy a phone with a view to its resale (the iPhone still holds value much better than even the most expensive Android) and when your family and friends use Face Time and iMessage. Relatively, if you have all Apple devices and want to enjoy the full benefits of the ecosystem.

But otherwise ... Android, theoretically, does everything better. First of all, it offers greater variety. We can choose from dozens of manufacturers, choose cheap and expensive smartphones, large and larger, flat and folded - from choice to color. Of course, there is also the price issue; Instead of spending PLN 3600 on iPhone 11, we can spend PLN 2300 on OnePlus 7T and - not counting the difference in the camera - get equally fantastic equipment.

Android also offers roughly the same options as the iPhone. There is probably not a single thing that an iPhone could do, and an Android smartphone could not, but there are a lot of things that Androids can do, which can't be done on iOS. Even the issue of cooperation on the iPhone-MacBook line is currently debatable, because since Microsoft introduced the application "Your Phone", the integration of Android smartphones (especially Samsung) with computers with Windows 10 is very similar to what Apple offers.

And yet from month to month, along with every Android smartphone that scrolls through my hands, I come to the conclusion that the evangelists of the religion of the bitten apple are right. And who tastes the iPhone once, you really won't want to go back to the Green Robot.

Since I bought the iPhone 11 I have tested probably from 15 Android phones, from budget budgets for 800 PLN, to the Galaxy S20 Ultra. For the first month or two I thought "and what was the iPhone for?" Then, with each subsequent test, I began to feel more and more relief by inserting the SIM card back into the iPhone.

iPhone 11 after six months

Spigen Ultra Hybrid iPhone 11

My overall satisfaction with the Apple platform is largely due to the quality of the hardware itself. In my opinion, the iPhone 11 is the best iPhone you can currently buy - the price remains reasonable, and not counting the lack of the OLED screen and the third eyelet of the camera, we don't lose anything relative to the 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max models.

Since the purchase of the iPhone 11 has not disappointed me once. The battery regularly lasts for 2 days of normal use. The camera is phenomenal and I can always count on it. Face ID works perfectly. The screen, although not impressive on paper, also doesn't leave the slightest field to complain. The speakers are so good that they pierce not only most phones, but also many laptops (sic!) Using this phone is a pure, unfettered pleasure and for the first time in years I do not feel the need to replace the device with new ones. Ok, I miss the telephoto lens a bit, but apart from that? If I replace the iPhone 11 with a new model, it is only because I managed to scratch the display for half a year to the extent I have never known. But against the background of all the above pros, it is a small scratch in the beautiful picture (he he).

However, it's not hardware that makes me feel relieved every time I go back to the iPhone after testing an Android smartphone. This level of attention to details in the software is beyond the reach of even the most expensive phone of the competition.

Over the past six months, I have not experienced a single crash, forced shutdown or even trimming of any of the installed applications. Everything just works.

deep fusion, iphone 11, ios 13.2

Although I am irritated by the "closure" of iOS and the fact that I can't arrange icons on the desktop as I wish, I would happily give up the openness of the system for its trouble-free operation.

Let me list the problems I have encountered on Android smartphones that I have tested recently:

  • Disconnected Bluetooth in the car
  • Disabling applications
  • Camera autofocus problems
  • Problems with unlocking the screen by biometrics
  • Battery drainage during standby
  • Clips in animations
  • Reloading background applications
  • Reducing the quality of photos after uploading them to Instagram
  • Inactive password manager
  • Navigation gestures not working

And now, for comparison, a list of problems I encountered on the iPhone:

  • .
  • .
  • .
  • Once my pants got soaked while walking the dog and the talking loudspeaker stopped working. After drying, everything returned to normal.

For half a year with the iPhone 11 I haven't experienced a single real problem (not counting the mentioned flooding, after which nothing happened anyway). If I had a scratch at first, it was due to getting used to Android, not a device or software defect.

I will also add that on iOS and Android I use roughly the same set of applications. I did not lock myself in the golden Apple cage - I simultaneously use iOS, Android, macOS and Windows 10, I need programs that run multiplatform. And when it comes to mobile applications, in 9 cases out of 10 those made for iPhone are better and / or prettier than those on Android. And in 10 cases out of 10 work better.

All this means that using the iPhone I experience something that can not be read from the numbers in the specification - holy peace.

This peace of mind in retrospect turned out to be such a blissful and desirable phenomenon that everyone, even the smallest problem with another smartphone irritates me disproportionately to its real size. All you need is the smallest triviality in the test Android smartphone, that I would look wistfully at the iPhone next to it, waiting for the moment when I could use it again as the main smartphone.

I am beginning to slowly understand the editorial colleagues who after switching to the iPhone stopped reviewing other phones. Once you taste the iPhone's peace of mind, it's hard to leave it even for a moment.

I used to laugh about it. Today alone, after two weeks with even the best Android smartphone, I feel relieved when I transfer the SIM card back to the iPhone and again experience peace.

It's not that the iPhone is the best phone in the world. The point is that other phones are not like the iPhone.

Objectively speaking, the iPhone - as a device, not a state of mind - is a roughly average smartphone. As for the top shelf, it doesn't stand out with anything special. It's powerful, it has a great camera and battery, but ... the same can be said about several other smartphones on the market, from the PLN 2300 OnePlus 7T to the Samsung PLN 5999 Galaxy S20 Ultra .

The problem is that while almost every top Android smartphone has more options than any iPhone, none of them offer what the iPhone has: peace of mind. In addition, deepened by the awareness of many years of after-sales support, reaching five years of updates. No Android smartphone can boast such long interest of its creators.

While manufacturers of Green Robot smartphones are racing on numbers in benchmarks, megapixels, heroes and results in DxO Mark rankings, Apple is running at its own pace, offering not what is objectively the best, but what best fits into a coherent puzzle, which is the iPhone .

Does anyone really believe that Apple does not have a 108 Mpix camera? 120 Hz screen? Fingerprint reader on the screen? Accessing thin-screen screens?

Is anyone really so naive to believe that the iPhone does not yet have the innovations that competition so eagerly pushes into their phones, because Apple "is too slowly developing its technologies"?

No. We are talking about the richest technology company in the world. About a company that has more cash than the GDP of many countries. Is anyone really able to question that Apple has not "invented" yet even a fingerprint reader on the screen, while they have phones for 1200 PLN? Really?

For years, Apple has been consistently in a hurry to integrate "innovation" in its products. For a very simple reason - not always the best available piece of the puzzle will match its other parts.

I recently compared Xiaomi Mi 10 to iPhone 11 . One of them has a camera with a resolution of 108 Mpix, the other - only 12 Mpix. Guess which one takes better pictures.

I have two smartphones in front of me. iPhone 11 with Face ID and Samsung with a fingerprint reader on the screen. Guess which phone will be answered faster.

There is no objective reason why Apple could not pack each of its innovations with its new smartphone with its new smartphone. Even if such an iPhone would cost a lot, so what? Willing there will be plenty.

For some reason, however, Apple does not do this. And do you know why? Because there are no fools working at Cupertino, only crazy people.

People who understand that the user cares more about making the photo look nice regardless of the conditions than that the camera had a megapixel basil. Who understand that the smooth operation of the operating system is more important than the mock fluidity of a faster display. Who understand that it is better to produce a phone with a thick frame and a large indentation in the display than a phone with frames so thin that each grabbing it in the hand results in accidental touches and a fingerprint reader under the screen, which more often does not work than it works.

People who understand that it's peace of mind - not numbers in the specification - make users so addicted to the iPhone.

After half a year with the iPhone 11 I have no doubt that my next phone will also be an iPhone.

iPhone 11-accessories-2

I have no doubt that at the time of release it will not objectively be the best phone on the market (although early renders reveal that it may be one of the prettiest). It doesn't matter.

The iPhone will stay in my pocket as the main smartphone until anyone in the Android world appears who offers me a comparable dose of peace of mind.

Who knows, maybe I will change my mind relatively quickly - after all, the OnePlus 8 Pro tests are ahead of me, and the premiere of the first Motorola flagship in years is looming.

Worship for the iPhone does not change me into an Apple evangelist, what it is not. Although I love this smartphone, I have the same problems with the MacBook Pro 16 , I consider macOS as a handicapped system in relation to Windows 10 in almost every respect, and the newly shown keyboard for iPad Pro is a cosmic misunderstanding. I will say more - for the sake of the fact that my main desktop platform is Windows 10, I would like to go back to Android, which gets along much better with the Microsoft system.

However, as long as the Android smartphone does not let me experience the holy peace that the iPhone guarantees to me on a daily basis, my Apple smartphone will be permanently in my pocket.

After half a year with the iPhone 11 I have no doubt that my next smartphone will also be the iPhone


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