Users asked, Microsoft introduced. Edge will gain theme support from the Chrome Web Store

The Edge browser will soon be getting support for Chrome visual themes. You can install any skin from the Chrome Web Store.

Chromium browser overlays differ significantly, despite sharing the core for rendering websites and web applications. Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi and the rest differ from each other in appearance and additional functions, as do the Android EMUI, MIUI, OxygenOS and the rest. Chrome's distinguishing feature is support for interface themes, stored in a convenient directory for browsing.

However, Chrome Themes are not based on any sophisticated solution, which means that developers of other Chromium-based browsers can easily get compatible with them. The Edge user community has pressed Microsoft to bring support to Edge. Editors of Techdows were the first to discover that this listened to their users.

Themes from the Chrome Web Store will be supported in Microsoft Edge .

This feature is already available in Edge Canary, i.e. in the early test version of Microsoft's browser. After detecting possible problems and removing them, it will go to the Dev test channel, and later to Beta and finally to the production version of Edge. Interestingly, at least for the time being, there is no indication that the Microsoft Store for Edge should also have a theme catalog. We'll have to look for them in the Chrome repository.

microsoft edge Themes

Fortunately, Edge doesn't require the use of the Microsoft Store and is almost fully compatible with the Chrome Web Store range. In the Canary version of your browser, activate the flag called Allow installation of external store themes . Probably in the production version this step will be completely unnecessary. Installed themes can be managed and removed in the Appearance section of the browser settings.

Assuming that there won't be too many problems and bugs, theme support should hit the production version of Edge in two months.

Users asked, Microsoft introduced. Edge will gain theme support from the Chrome Web Store


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