Hundreds of school readings for free as part of Empik Premium

If e-learning, then with e-readings. Empik Premium has become free and is now joined by hundreds of school readings.

Polish language lessons can now be conducted much more conveniently, as long as Polish speakers accept e-learning using video chats, e-books and audiobooks.

However, these foreign names are enough. It is after all literature in Polish, and more specifically hundreds of school readings, which Empik joins the Empik Premium package , which is currently available for 60 days for free.

In the absence of access to libraries and other teaching aids and the need to implement the distance learning program, we want to support teachers and youth, in particular this year's high school graduates and eighth graders who will soon take the most important exams - Kuba Piotrkowicz, Empik Go Manager.

Access to electronic books, including audio books, can be found in the Empik Go application after registering with the Empik Premium service, which has been made available for 60 days for free. Empik Go contains over 90 percent. titles on compulsory and supplementary reading lists for primary and secondary schools.

read empik premium for free

Here we will find a full cross-section of titles, ranging from Greek mythology, through Treny Kochanowski, to poetry of the twentieth century.

It is worth emphasizing that the Children's Literature category is currently the second most popular segment of the books selected in our application, which is why we know that this form of reading and listening to books is not foreign to the young generation of readers - adds Kuba Piotrkowicz.

In addition, Empik provides reading arrangements.

The studies are available in the form of podcasts entitled "But what's the matter?" They are to help you understand dubious issues, which can be especially useful for those years who are expecting the final exams and the 8th grade exam.

Students can use Empik Go on many devices.

The application can be installed on smartphones, tablets and even on the Inkbook e-book reader. Currently, Empik Go contains 13 thousand. positions, including e-books, audiobooks, radio plays and podcasts.

Sixty days of access to the Empik Premium service can be enabled on a specially prepared website . Then Empik Go can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS).

Hundreds of school readings for free as part of Empik Premium


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