Boeing only needs to make ... 61 corrections in its Starliner capsule

Boeing Starliner crew capsule

Boeing hasn't got a lot of luck lately. A few days ago, NASA announced that the company would have to make as many as 61 changes to its Starliner crew capsule.

As if that was not enough, the American space agency decided that during the failed Starliner mission to the International Space Station in December, it was very much until the capsule was completely destroyed.

Announcing the results of the joint investigation, NASA representatives have reported that so far no decision has been made as to whether Boeing will have to carry out another Starliner unmanned flight or whether it will be a manned mission. Boeing will have to present a plan and schedule for 61 ship changes before the agency's decision is made. Boeing representatives have until the end of the month.

Douglas Loverro, director of manned flight at NASA said that the agency must first check whether Boeing has once again carried out all tests of the software installed on board Starliner.

After all, we need to determine if we are completely sure that we are ready to fly with the crew or if we need another unmanned test - adds Loverro.

At the same time, Boeing representatives declare their readiness to carry out all necessary tests.

What happened in December?

Starliner's software errors first brought the ship into incorrect orbit, preventing mooring to the International Space Station, and then almost collided the ship with the service module at the end of a two-day flight. This second error was discovered by controllers on Earth a few hours before landing. Thanks to this catastrophe was prevented at the last minute.

Boeing is not the only company that NASA has commissioned to develop a ship that astronauts could regularly fly aboard the International Space Station. SpaceX has developed the Crew Dragon capsule, which has passed all tests so far and is preparing for the first manned flight in the second half of the year. Crew Dragon's first manned flight will be the first manned flight carried out from the territory of the USA since 2011, i.e. since the last shuttle flight.

Boeing only needs to make ... 61 corrections in its Starliner capsule


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