"Amazing graphics on PS5" and "great sound on Xbox Series X" - game developers talk about new consoles

There are only three quarters left until the release of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Development studios are already sweating games for new consoles. Mainly flattering opinions about both platforms penetrate the media.

The successors of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will appear in stores just in time for this year's holidays. There are many indications that both consoles will be much more efficient than their predecessors - offering graphics performance expressed in teraflops with a two-digit value - and much more efficient main processors, as well as very fast storage. There are also many indications that these devices will be quite similar to each other, differing in nuances, offer of games and services.

We know quite a lot about them. In particular, the Xbox Series X , which is to use a graphics system using RDNA 2 architecture with hardware accelerated ray tracking, Zen 2 main processor, SSD mass storage and a number of software solutions that further increase the technical capabilities of the console. Zen 2 and SSD will also be used by PlayStation 5, the Sony console's graphics will also accelerate ray tracing. Both consoles are also to offer acceleration related to audio conversion.

Incredibly clear textures in PlayStation 5

According to the words of Luca Darco, head of the LKA studio responsible for the first-person game Martha is Dead, textures on PlayStation 5 always look the best possible, including in 4K resolution. He claims that his programmers managed to apply textures with a density of 4096px / m texels in the game. So we can completely forget about blurry text, and thus the technique of masking lower resolution of textures than our native TV. Instead of blurred squares, we always have on the screen very detailed invoices on the objects.

Martha is Dead, according to Darco, will be a game offering graphics striving for quality in photorealism. He notes that this is helped not only by the raw computing power of the console, but also by its ability to implement graphic scenes by means of ray tracing. This remark is very interesting, because we still have no idea how efficiently ray-tracing implemented in consoles will be. We still suspect - bearing in mind the prices of GeForce RTX graphics cards - that this will be a very basic, primitive implementation of this technique. However, opinions like the above give rise to hope for something much better.

Xbox Series X reportedly more efficient than PlayStation 5, but praised for ... sound

According to information from many different sources, the Microsoft console is supposed to be a bit more technically advanced than the Sony console - although they are still not official information (Sony does not boast about the technical details of the PlayStation 5 components yet), nor do we know, assuming it is true, whether the advantage will be Important. For now, however, Microsoft's Ninja Theory studio has spoken publicly in VGC about building a sound game for the new Xbox.

As they say, in theory, the Xbox Series X can't do anything better than the Xbox One, which already supports surround sound, including Dolby Atmos. However, audio-related conversations take the console processor's time, while the Xbox Series X includes a dedicated physical integrated circuit for acoustic-related calculations. According to studio representatives, such a graphics card for sound (i.e. sound card ... - author's note) frees up a lot of resources, and thus reduces the restrictions on creating the game itself, which has more processor time for itself and at the same time can generate more sounds simultaneously without impact on overall performance.

Prices for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are not yet known.

"Amazing graphics on PS5" and "great sound on Xbox Series X" - game developers talk about new consoles


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