Norauto becomes the official technical service of Xiaomi electric scooters

Beyond being a simple toy, electric scooters have transformed the way we move around the city. Whether it's because of its absence of pollution, because of its low long-term cost or the simple fact of turning our displacement into a much more fun task, electric scooters are here to stay.

Among them, without a doubt the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter stands out , an economic scooter that has become the king of its range thanks to the great quality / price it presents. Now, under the slogan "Only a mechanic should take care of your scooter" Xiaomi has announced that Norauto will become the official technical service of all its electric scooters .

And since today, February 10, any user of the various Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter available to the firm can go to one of the 12 authorized centers of Norauto . For now, these centers are located in Leganés and Alcalá de Henares (Community of Madrid), Sedaví and Aldaya (Valencian Community), Sant Boi and Esplugues (Catalonia), Seville, Marbella, Gines and Mijas (Andalusia) and the Augusta Shopping Center and Puerto Venecia (Zaragoza).

Norauto becomes the official technical service of Xiaomi electric scooters. Xiaomi Addicted News

As specified by the company itself, these centers will be expanded to form a total of 50 authorized centers located throughout the Spanish geography. In them you can not only manage their maintenance within the warranty, but solve any technical problem outside of it.

You can also read: How to request the free maintenance of the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter and how often we should do it.

For its part, the technical staff of Norauto has received specialized training in this type of transport, committing to deliver our electric scooter in perfect condition in less than 2 business days .

Via |

The Norauto entry becomes the official technical service of Xiaomi electric scooters was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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