I understand this limited edition. Samsung Galaxy S20 + caught in blood red

Samsung Galaxy S20 has not yet come on sale well, and a limited edition has already appeared, which arouses desire.

What for what, but for the color variants of the new Samsung Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20 + and Galaxy S20 Ultra there is nothing to complain about.


The smallest one is available in pink which is very pleasing to the eye. Average we will get, among others in beautiful blue, which shimmers with the colors of the rainbow under the influence of the incident light. The largest variant is only gray and black, but even these common colors Samsung managed to enforce with class.

If for someone such colors are not enough, Samsung is already preparing more shades .

Samsung Galaxy S20 + caught red.

A limited edition of the new Galaxy S20 + has just appeared in South Korea, in beautiful red. In the homeland of Samsung, this variant is called "Jennie Red", in honor of the local K-Pop star - Jennie Kim.

Red Samsung Galaxy S20 +

For now, the red Galaxy S20 + version is available only in South Korea and only from one operator. However, unconfirmed information reveals that the red Galaxy S20 will also hit other markets in the "Aura Red" color.

We do not know when this would happen, but this information is very likely. Finally, last year's Galaxy Note 10 and this year's Note 10 Lite are available in red variants. So what stands in the way that the bloody colors will also hit the new models?

Samsung is wasting an opportunity on its own "Product Red".

Not that I hit Samsung here, because I'm sure that the company behind the scenes is doing a lot of good, but ... wouldn't the introduction of the red variant of devices be a great opportunity to participate in the Product Red initiative?

Today, we associate red products with this label only with Apple , but initially the initiative to raise funds for the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria involved many companies - including Dell, Motorola and Microsoft.

It is a pity that Samsung does not use limited color editions also to do good. Personally, I know many people who buy Apple products in red colors precisely because the percentage of sales goes to a noble cause.

In this arrangement, the limited color edition becomes more than just an attempt to earn extra money by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, this is not the case with Samsung.

Red Samsung Galaxy S20 +

Even without it, however, I hope that the red Galaxy S20 will go to Poland.

Judging by the red Notes 10 and how good the red S20 + looks on promotional materials, it may be the prettiest of all available color versions of the new smartphone.

In a world where it is increasingly difficult to distinguish one smartphone from another, every distinguishing feature is welcome.

I understand this limited edition. Samsung Galaxy S20 + caught in blood red


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