Bye bye, notch! Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 with a camera under the screen will debut in July

Selfie cameras located below the screen surface are getting closer to the market launch. Their debut may take place in the successor of the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

The technology of cameras located under the OLED screen layer is currently being developed in parallel by several smartphone manufacturers. China - led by Xiaomi and Oppo - have already had their first successes in this field, and according to leaks, a similar solution is also being developed in Samsung's Korean research and development centers.

The selfie camera is the last obstacle on the way to frameless smartphone screens.

Smartphones with extremely thin frames have been on the market for over a year, but the selfie camera each time more or less spoils the appearance of the devices. The top notch designs can only be found on the iPhone. Other manufacturers went towards the holes in the screen.

After temporary experiments, on the top shelf there is also a move away from mechanical solutions, i.e. "chimneys" with a camera retractable from the inside of the device. It was a rather dead end in the development of smartphones.

The most promising solution at this moment seems to be the camera technology hidden behind the OLED screen layer. The screen is locally translucent, so you can turn off part of it to reveal the camera lens. Thanks to this, we don't have any mechanical elements in the smartphone, and yet the screen can fill the entire front.

The camera hidden under the screen may have a market debut in Samsung Galaxy Fold 2.

The Galaxy Z Flip has joined Samsung's offer, but according to earlier leaks, the Fold line will not be abandoned. The tablet folded into the smartphone format is to be developed and its internal name is Champ.

As reported by the well-known informant @UniverseIce on Twitter, Galaxy Fold 2 is to be the first Samsung smartphone with a camera hidden under the screen. The smartphone is expected to be released in July.

This makes sense because the first Galaxy Fold was widely criticized for the presence of a very large notch visible when the screen was unfolded. You could get used to it, but certainly the screen would look better without this element.

Unfortunately, the technology of translucent OLED screens is not perfect.

And at least it is not yet. At the end of the year, we saw leaks of the first devices equipped with such screens and unfortunately the area above the webcam looks quite strange . A mosaic of pixels appears there, as if the screen had a lower quality locally.

What after notch? Time for mosaic screens

What after notch? Time for mosaic screens

So it looks like the new Galaxy Fold will be a testing ground for Samsung for the latest design solutions in smartphones. We still have a lot of time until the premiere, so it's possible that Samsung will be able to deal with the problem of mosaic. Let's just not end up like the "glass" screen Galaxy Z Flipa, which can be scratched with a fingernail and pierced with a sharp object .

Bye bye, notch! Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 with a camera under the screen will debut in July


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