Here are the most popular mobile games of 2019.

Apparently mobile players are not real players. Ironically, it was mobile gaming that overshadowed this "real" last year. Here are the most popular mobile games AD 2019.

The rapid digitization of India and Brazil, and China's growing share in the global mobile market have not been without reflection in the gaming world. According to Annie's App report , last year players spent as much as 25 percent on mobile games. more than for these "real" games on other platforms. In 2019, the total revenue of mobile games stopped at 80 billion. dollars, but it is already estimated that if the upward trend continues, in 2020 mobile games will break the magical limit of 100 billion. dollars.

We prefer to play simple games. But it is in these difficult ones that we spend the most time

As much as 47 percent of all games downloaded in 2019, they are simple arcade. Another 21 percent are logical games. And since most "casual" players often jump between games, the winners are producers who have several productions of this type in their portfolio.

Interestingly, although advanced productions account for barely 18 percent. whole, we spend the most time in them - up to 55 percent 38% time spent in games are advanced action games, where statistics probably strongly conquers the most popular production: PUBG Mobile.

Advanced games have also attracted significantly more dollars than casual productions. As much as 76 percent All the money spent by consumers in 2019 on mobile gaming went to advanced titles, mainly action games and RPGs.

The rankings of mobile gaming in the App Annie report are, however, incomplete - as they only count statistics from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, and Android applications installed from outside the Play Store in China, there is one giant missing: Fortnite.

This is due to the fact that mobile players on Android can download the game only from the manufacturer, not from the Play Store. iOS, on the other hand, is too small a pool of users in the whole market to provide the popular Battle Royale with a place in the ranking.

The most popular mobile games 2019 - what did we play the most?

According to Annie's App report, PUBG Mobile had the largest group of active users in given months. The immortal Candy Crush Saga came in second. The position of Subway Surfers is also amazing. The game debuted in 2012 and still attracts crowds of players from around the world.

The most popular mobile games 2019 - what did we download the most?

The best apps 2019

According to the distribution of interest of mobile players, the ranking is dominated by simple dexterity and logic games. There are three exceptions to this rule: Call of Duty Mobile, PUBG Mobile and the new hit, Free Fire, i.e. the answer to Fortnite's lack in the Play Store.

The most popular mobile games 2019 - where did we spend money?

The best apps 2019

Number one - surprisingly - is the game Fate / Grand Order, not very popular in our country. From the titles more familiar to the Polish player we have here the immortal Candy Crush, Pokemon Go and Clash of Clans. Interesting is also the presence of the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle game released in 2015, which in five years from the premiere still attracts new users and collects great ratings.

Of course, most of this revenue comes from Asian countries, especially China, which in 2019 accounted for as much as 40 percent. among all users paying for games and applications.

"Big" gaming is triumphing in "little" gaming

The number of downloads and earnings is one thing, but the popularity of new products is another. As for 2019, developed gaming markets dominate two titles: Call of Duty Mobile and Mario Kart Tour . Two brands extremely popular in the world of "big" gaming.

Both productions were included in the TOP 5 most downloaded new applications of 2019 in most important markets: the United States, Canada, Japan, France, Germany and Brazil.

As the above-mentioned productions are available only in official stores for iOS and Android, it is not surprising that they are not included in the list for China.

They are also relatively large games, requiring an extensive data package and fast connection. No wonder that they are missing in markets where mobile internet connectivity is just growing.

However, as analysts from App Annie predict, this situation will change in the coming years. The faster mobile internet the developing countries receive, the faster we will see in them not only the growth of "casual" but also "serious" gaming on smartphones.

Here are the most popular mobile games of 2019.


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  3. These games are fine but modern console like Nintendo switch roms that you can play on your console or by using emulators are on another of my fav is Super Mario RPG King rom


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